Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Vintage Dining

This has been a very difficult year for me.  Although it has barely started, it has become, sadly, quite obvious, that at some point this year I’m going to lose my mother.  During the continuing physically and emotionally exhausting months of caring for her, I unexpectedly stumbled upon some treasures from my youth while putting up the Christmas tree at my parents’ home this past December.  I retrieved a box that I thought contained holiday ornaments but, instead, it held my very much beloved play food and a number of dishes and appliances.  I was transported back decades at the very opening of this box. Joy washed over me as I began sorting each of the items.  Firstly, I cannot believe that my mother saved these for me.  Secondly, I am so very glad that she did.  I guess I’ve been a foodie from birth.  This little, though incomplete, collection of food and dishes was something I spent hours arranging and rearranging.

As you can see, even back then I had matching appliances.

I made certain to serve balanced meals, putting a steak and two 
vegetables on each dinner plate.

The corn was for picnics, and I’d serve it with the beans and franks.

Bacon and eggs were served with the cardboard toast that was placed into the toaster that featured a spring mechanism that caused the toast to pop up when it was ready.

The turkey was my favorite.  I guess I loved Thanksgiving before I ever paid much attention to it. It was served with peas and slices of pumpkin pie.

Life doesn’t always deal us the best of hands, but it does tend to compensate by rewarding us with wonderful surprises.

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  1. I'm so glad you found this unexpected surprise, Pattie! You deserved to have a little fun. I'm sorry that this year has been hard for you so far. Hugs are being sent your way.

  2. Oh, Pattie...I'm so sorry to hear about your ailing Mother. I wish her comfort and peace. I wish the same for you, dear heart, because I know it's difficult. I want to tell you that you and I had a shared childhood affinity. I am a little older...OK, OK, you caught me...I'm a LOT older than you, but I had, played with and treasured fake food and dishes and appliances much like yours!!! I spent HOURS "cooking" and "setting the table" in our little playroom under the stairs of our home. My parents bought those pint-sized table & chairs, and I had an Easy Bake oven later when I was around 9 or 10. But my first love...the plastic fake food!!! Yours looks a little more advanced than mine, although the peas look pretty much the same. I never had the pie, although I wished for it. I am 95% certain my Mom didn't keep my fake food, but it would be the thrill of a lifetime to see that she had. I'm sure it was for you, too. I am so happy that something that brings such good memories could help you out at a time that is probably one of the most difficult in your life. Take care of yourself, Pattie.

  3. Pattie, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's failing health. I wish you strength to continue taking care of her. How sweet that she kept your play food all those years and you found them.The set is adorable and you took really good care of it. Sooo cute! Thanks for sharing it with us. Hugs, Babs

  4. What a poignant post! It is so hard to try to get ready to lose one's mother! I know that was a real gift, for you to find that she had lovingly saved your childhood treasures. My mother is a saver, too, and while we've teased her at times for it, it's wonderful that she saved things like my Barbie dream house and toy tea set.

  5. I've been through this with the loss of my mother, and my only advice is to treasure every minute you have with her. I love that you have created a tablescape and post with your childhood kitchen toys. When I work in our church nursery, the most active play center is the kitchen where both boys and girls pretend to cook for the volunteers. Things haven't changed all that much and kids still love to play kitchen. :)

  6. I am so sorry that your mother's health is failing...enjoy every minute you get to spend with her.
    It's amazing that mothers know exactly what to save for our later years...

  7. Pattie, I will keep you and your mother in my prayers. It's so hard as a child. I do love that you found your playset. Everything my mother kept, my father threw out. xo marlis

  8. Hi there, just letting you know that you are in my Featured Food Blog sidebar for February on Carole's Chatter. Have a great week.

  9. Those are so sweet, never saw anything like them!

    I will keep you both in my prayers. My mom died on my 50th bday. I was so lucky to have had her that long.

    As we age we realize what wonderfully strong women they were.

    Thank you so much for linking to Let's Dish!

  10. What a wonderful suprise you've found! And just when you needed it the most. Life works in mysterious ways sometimes. So glad you were able to relive some happy memories of your childhood. And I will keep you and your mom in my prayers.

    Danielle xo

  11. Pattie~ I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's failing health. My father-in-law passed away in December and watching and trying to help my mother-in-law care for him was hard and depressing on a good day.

    Love your sweet play food and appliances! So glad you found them after all this time. I hope they bring you comfort and happy memories.

  12. What a fantastic collection and I can imagine the thrill in finding it. I'm pretty sure my mother got rid of every. single. toy I owned the summer before I turned 11, while I was away for the summer and she was moving us from Lubbock to Galveston. Hence, I have saved LOTS of my kids toys and as a matter of fact, they need to come get them out of my garage! (:


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