Saturday, October 1, 2011

Turn Newspapers into Logs for Winter Fires

We recycle.  Bottles, cans, paper, plastics, glass, newspapers, I even toss eggshells and coffee grounds into the garden.  It has made a difference. We have been amazed at how much we've lessened our trash output around here, and like to think that we're doing something positive for the environment at the same time.
When fall hits (it's October!), things change a bit.  No longer do I toss newspapers into the recycling bin, but through the use of this wonderful little newspaper rolling tool, I turn them into logs for the fireplace.  If you've ever struggled to get a fire going in your wood burning fireplace or wood stove (we have both), this will end that.  These newspaper logs make great fire starters.  Stack them up with the logs and you'll get a wonderful blaze going with just one strike of the match.  It's a great family project -- kids will beg you to try their hand at it -- with a most practical outcome. One caveat: Use only newspaper pages.  Any shiny pictures, flyers, or magazines can release toxins into the air when burned (this is also a good practice for those of you who simply crumble newspapers under the grate to start a fire).
It's very easy to use.  Fold the top of the newspaper over about 3/4" when you slip it into the rod, this gives it more of a grip so it's less likely to come out when you're rolling up your newspaper log.  Roll it up slowly and tightly to the size you desire.  I generally make a variety of sizes so I'll have what I need for any size fire.  Once you achieve the desired size, tie it up and then slip your newspaper log off of the rod.  I keep mine in a terra cotta garden pot on the hearth.

My log roller was a gift from a friend, but you can also find them on Amazon.

Metamorphosis Monday-BNOTP
 Brag Monday-The Graphics Fairy
Motivate Me Monday-Keeping it Simple
Amaze Me Monday-Dittle Dattle
Thrifty Thursday-Tales from Bloggeritaville
100 Ideas Under $100-Beyond the Picket Fence
 Show and Tell Saturday-Be Different Act Normal
Flashback Friday


  1. Very cool idea! And I like how they look collected in the urn.

  2. Now that is a neat idea. I would have liked one of thoses. Hubby turned our fireplace into gas. Trish

  3. This is so unique and lovely.. Very creative idea.. LOVE IT.. I would LOVE to have you link it to my linky party going on today - Pin'Inspirational Thursdays over at The ArtsyGirl Connection - TY :)) Link is - ps: officially following ya :))


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