Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Crime Scene Brownies

After a week filled with obligations, none of them my own, and culminating in one of the WORST birthdays of my life, today was my day to do what I wanted.  One of the things I wanted to do was to play in the kitchen, and I did!  When I spotted the sugar knives at Michael’s I had to buy them.  I was inspired by the cupcake pictured on the box (and my love of mysteries, of course), but lately I’ve become much more enamored with brownies than with cupcakes, so made what has become one of my favorite dessert recipes, Creole Brownies, and topped them with my own Vanilla Buttercream Frosting.  A little red gel icing splattered on the top and a knife shoved in, and I had a dangerously delicious dessert!

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
4 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons heavy cream
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract

In the bowl of a stand mixer, cream the butter until light and smooth, 2-3 minutes.   Add the powdered sugar, 1 cup at a time, slowly mixing in to incorporate, then add salt, heavy cream, and vanilla and beat until smooth and creamy, 3-5 minutes.  The longer you beat it, the lighter it will become.

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  1. Oh dear, I had one of those birthdays this year, too. But there is nothing like chocolate to ease the heart and mind. Okay, now I want to go hit Michael's! Frosted brownie--what else could one ask for? Yum!

  2. Those are the cutest brownies! I love the sugar knives - what a fun world we live in where we can buy stuff like that!! (sorry to hear about your yucky birthday...happy belated!)

  3. Oh dear, so sorry to hear about the horrid birthday. The candies are so cute, and look perfect on that brownie!

  4. Delighted to see you've over come a "Worst" birthday. I've had a few of those too.

    Personally, I would take a brownie over a cupcake any day even if it is the Crime Scene Version.

    Thanks for sharing, Pattie. Isn't it you Blogoversary today?

  5. Super cute brownies...plus they look quite yummy. Sorry about the crummy birthday - no fun! Hope your day today made up for it.

  6. Okey dokey....backing away slowly. ;-) scared to even ask what happened on your birthday that got you feeling you have to assault innocent brownies...! :-) My birthday was a nightmare last year AND this year, so I do understand. Happy Belated Birthday, and I hope things look way, way up again soon!

  7. Cute, beautiful and very unique!

  8. I saw those knives~ how perfect for the reader you are for crime scene brownies and oh so creative! Sorry about your birthday :( I like to celebrate my birthday month, it's harder to be disappointed that way!


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