Monday, December 17, 2012

Rosemary for Christmas

Here’s a quick holiday decorating tip that will liven up your table, add a touch of festiveness to the buffet, and is perfectly usable when the holidays are over and you’re struggling to find a place to store everything.  Head to Lowe’s and get yourself a little rosemary plant that has been conically shaped to resemble a Christmas tree.  Pick up a package of bows from Michael’s that are now drastically reduced to such an extent that you’ll be paying under a dollar for a set of 12, grab some red berries from off of your wreath, out of your yard (or the neighbor’s yard under cover of darkness – unless, of course, you have a very vigilant Neighborhood Watch), and add a small string of LED lights.  You will have a lovely little living tree that smells wonderful, and its portability will brighten any dark corner in your house.  After the holidays, keep it in a very sunny spot and water it weekly.  With any luck you’ll have a wonderful herb plant to sink into your garden come spring where you will be rewarded again and again with fresh rosemary whenever you need it.  How cute is this?

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  1. I saw these and almost bought one. But then I thought I might kill it before Christmas. I'm hard on plants, Pattie. But this is a great idea. Loved them. I might just have to go back and get one.



  2. I love it. I have a small one growing in a planter on my front porch but not big enough for this.
    If it were on my table I would be touching it every time I walk by to enjoy the scent.


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