Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Tabletop Tidbit

I always admire the talented bloggers who manage to design, set, photograph, and post beautiful table settings every week.  Inasmuch as I'd like to do the same, I find that I get quite attached to some of the settings that I create, and just don't want to take them down to make way for something new.  Such was the case with last week's tablescape, Destination: Dinner.   At the same time that I was admiring it, a friend in the process of downsizing decided to gift me with this unique Griffin (I call him Merv) from the Blanc de Chine collection by Fitz and Floyd produced in the 1980s.  She told me that it was a gravy boat, but I saw it as a rather showy addition to my worldly table.  So here's a tabletop tidbit for today.  I've been envisioning it full of pansies, homemade pastel butter mints, overflowing with variegated ivy, or offering up spicy seasoned pecans.  Leave a comment and tell me what you'd use it for, and you may just see your idea in a future blog post!

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  1. Gosh, he's a scary lookin' ol' boy!!! When I first looked at him, the hairs stood up on my arms!!! Because he is so frightful, I think I would fill him with the most graceful and softest colored flowers I could find. Hydrangea, tulips (extended out the butt end to soften his tail), roses, trailing ivy or other such greenery. Since it's a worldly table, I might choose blooms from either a single country or from countries I either HAVE visited or WANT to visit. That's my 2 cents!

  2. Your Merv is handsome! I think potted greens of any kind would look gravy, though!

  3. Wow, hubby would love this marmalade, as is his fav, because his mama used to make a great one which we have the recipe and he even makes it himself. I will try yours Patty..thank you and for your lovey and kind visit as well.

  4. Ohh and I love your table setting it's gorgeous and your Merv is great..I love this kind of things, like I adore Foo-dogs and some people don't! Big hugs,


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