Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Make Fresh Mint Syrup

 Nothing is more refreshing on a hot day than a freshly brewed glass of iced tea. You can pump the refreshment quotient up a notch by adding a splash (or more) of fresh mint syrup. If you're not a sweet tea person, hang on, and hear me out.  I'm not a sweet tea person either, but this delicious, easy to make syrup can be used in small enough amounts so as not to truly sweeten the tea, but impart a fresh, light mint flavor that makes any glass of iced tea irresistible. Those of you who like sweet tea, pour it on!

If you're like me and grow mint you probably find yourself, as I do, with a crop that requires a bush hat and machete to harvest. This is an excellent use for some of that mint, and gives you an excuse to hack away at a good portion of it. This recipe can be doubled or tripled based upon usage. I find that it keeps quite well in the refrigerator for a week. 

Fresh Mint Syrup 

1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup water
1 cup loosely packed fresh spearmint leaves (Mentha Spicata)

Put sugar and water into a microwave safe dish (I use a Pyrex 2-cup measuring cup). Microwave on high for 2-3 minutes until sugar is dissolved. Stir. Add mint leaves to the hot sugar/water mixture and stir, pressing mint leaves against the glass with the back of a spoon. Allow to steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain. Pour into a lidded container and store in the refrigerator. Add to tea to suit taste.

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  1. Beautiful photo, Pattie! I always add a mink spring to a pitcher of iced-tea while rubbing the leaves with my fingers to release the flavor. I like your idea of making the syrup!

    I can make some while I am make hummingbird nectar :)

  2. Thanks for the mint syrup recipe. i have lots of mint.
    Wish I had a glass of iced tea with the mint syrup right now.

  3. What a great idea and use for mint that runs amok!

  4. Good Morning Pattie, I drink a lot of hot mint tea, but I have never drank it cold. We are experiencing unusually hot weather here in England at the moment, so this sounds like a really refreshing drink.
    I do not have a microwave, would it be alright to dissolve the sugar in a pan.
    I am looking forward to trying this syrup as I do have a sweet tooth, but normally I drink my mint tea with out sugar, so it will be interesting to compare.
    Best Wishes to you,


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