Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sirloin and Mushrooms in Dijon Cream

What. A. Week. As you all know from the yummy potato dish that I served as a part of a delightful "welcome home" meal, Mr. O-P is recovering from hip surgery.  I am recovering from his recovery of hip surgery. I'd forgotten what it is like to have a newborn in the house, but my guess is that the care, the hours, the laundry, the crankiness (don't get me started), and feeding schedule are shockingly similar. Then, as I was just about ready to collapse from the exhaustion there was a water main break and we were put under a boil order. I really do wish that I'd have found out about the boil order as soon as it was put into place, but no.  It wasn't until about 6 hours later after I had happily hydrated myself with six glasses of water that I learned that drinking the water would be bad. Ten hours later, and for the next three days, my stomach reminded me of this again and again. Did I mention that, in the midst of all of this (the very day of his surgery, actually) that we got a contract on our century home on the St. Louis side of the river after being on the market for three-and-a-half years?  Can you comprehend the timing?  But I digress.

The sun is starting to peek through the clouds; the dishes that had been stacked in the sink have been run through the dishwasher. Tainted ice cubes have been dumped and replenished, I found an app of sleep noises that has allowed me to get five hours of sleep running, and cooking has commenced. Life is slowly returning to normal.

I'm refraining from starting any dish that involves a great deal of time and trouble because I have little of the former and more than my share of the latter, so simplicity is the order of the day.  This dish is easy, goes together in about thirty minutes if you do your chopping ahead, and is satisfying and delicious. I served it over toast points, but for a heartier meal, it is heaven when served on a bed of Jasmine rice. It can also be made with a variety of mushrooms in place of the steak for a vegetarian main dish. Versatile!

Sirloin and Mushrooms in Dijon Cream

5 tablespoons butter
1pound sirloin steak, trimmed, diagonally cut into thin strips*
6 ounces crimini mushrooms, thickly sliced
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon fresh ginger, finely diced**
2 tablespoons Dry Sherry
1 cup heavy cream
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
4 pieces of toast, cut into triangles

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Melt the butter in a large skillet and sear the meat on both sides until nicely browned, about 6-8 minutes. Transfer the steak to an ovenproof dish and keep warm.

Add sliced mushrooms to the skillet and sauté in juices for about 3 minutes.  Add the mustard, ginger, salt and pepper.  Stir well and cook for 2 additional minutes.  Add sherry (bourbon in a pinch) and cream.  Cook at medium heat until cream reduces slightly and thickens.

Add steak to cream mixture, stir to coat, and pour back into the ovenproof dish.  Cover with foil and bake for 15-20 minutes until bubbly.

Serves four.

*Freezing the meat for a while (or, if already frozen, don't allow to thaw completely) makes slicing a breeze.
**I store fresh ginger in the freezer.  It keeps for a long time, and makes slicing, chopping, dicing, and grating very easy.

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  1. Oh my heavens Pattie! How are holding up! What A Week indeed. Personally, I sometimes think men are worse than kids when it comes to recuperation. And a water main burst to boot! Our water company has an alert system that comes through the phone for such emergencies. That's just terrible that they didn't let you know. Terrible!

    For a meal that comes together quickly, it sure looks good. I give you tons of credit for even attempting to cook. That is one lucky man you have there and you should remind him every single day, lol...

    Thank you so much for sharing, you sure are having one hell of a year!

  2. Yikes! You sure have had your plate full (hehe) Hope your husbands complete recovery is rapid and all of the other issues fall into place. You got slammed at a very bad time.

    This dish looks fabulous!

  3. Hi Pattie,
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your hubby! Your Sirloin and Mushroom dish looks like it could melt in my mouth. I can't wait to try this recipe. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great week!
    Miz Helen

  4. My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures! Don't have all those ingredients, but I may try to make it with what I have! Wish me luck :)


  5. I just wanted to give you a heads up that you're featured on this week's Friday Flash Blog on The Jenny Evolution! Thanks so much for sharing and joining in on the fun.

    Jennifer @ The Jenny Evolution

  6. This recipe sounds yummy and I'll make it this weekend. Another way to store fresh ginger is to keep in in a small jar of vodka. Peel it first and add enough vodka to keep the ginger submerged. Be sure to put the lid on the jar. And enjoy the ginger-infused vodka when the ginger is used up!


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