Monday, November 4, 2013

The Wicker Bicycle

 The score is 42-0, and I'm winning. It's the battle of the boxes, the 200+ that made an unwelcome appearance two weeks ago. Mr. O-P is still in shock, immobilized by the sheer volume. I just peck away at a five-box-a-day rate in the hopes that by the time the snow flies, at least the garage will be empty. 
 It's not all bad though. Surprises abound! This cute little wicker bicycle was discovered in a box marked Office, alongside some academic journals and a vomit pot (don't ask).  I have a thing for bicycles. I photograph them wherever we go:
This one hung in front of a shop in Fish Creek, Wisconsin.
This quaint bicycle leaned against a fence in Zoar, Ohio.
A glass shop in Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds used this bicycle as advertising.
These colorful walls held up a bicycle in the Jericho neighborhood of Oxford.
The rider, navigating traffic in Quebec, is more interesting than the bicycle here.
I particularly like bicycles with baskets. They seem so Jessica Fletcher to me. This bicycle with its small basket challenged me. A few silk leaves in fall hues and a couple of miniature ceramic pumpkins, and I had a nice addition to my autumnal display. But there are holidays ahead!  How should I next decorate the bicycle?  Please help me out here by leaving your advice in the comments section. 

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  1. I'm sure glad you have a sense of humor while going through all those "treasures" Pattie.

    I must say, I never really gave much consideration to bicycle photography but they sure do make a nice presentation. As for that wicker one, I really, really need it! My room furniture is the same color wicker and my poor wicker elephant table sure could use an action figure for company!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing, Pattie...

  2. Isn't it amazing the things we find when cleaning out boxes. I always find something that I forgot about LOL.
    Your bicycle is darling and looks so cute with your fall decorations in there. You can change it out with every season.
    Have a productive week.

  3. That is precious!

    Wrap some tiny matchbox size packages and if you have any miniature bears or little animals, make a sort of Santa sleigh out of it. I love red plaid on packages. But you could wrap them in brown craft pap with cute red check ribbons.

    And eggs for Easter. Hear cookies for valentines, etc.

    That is a fun piece!

  4. How about some Christmas greens and maybe a snowman or Santa sitting in it? Or, a mini Christmas tree??? OR, a tiny plate propped up and some Christmas greens and goodies surrounding it. Just some thoughts, since you asked:):)

  5. Good Morning Pattie, I loved the photographs of all the bicycles, as they reminded me of the one I used to ride, up until about 10 years ago. It was bright red with a beautiful wicker basket on the front. If I needed the odd thing from the shop, I would leave the car on the drive and ride my bike...... great exercise for the tummy.
    I love your little wicker bicycle it is really sweet.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Best Wishes

  6. Sweet little wicker bicycle! Love using vintage bicycles in decor! I bet these are wonderful - I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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