Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Toffee Shortbread Cookies

When my boys were growing up, it was quite important to me that they knew what a homemade cookie tasted like. It came as quite a revelation to me one day, when my oldest son had a friend over to play while I was making cookies. After they had a chance to cool a bit (the cookies, not the kids) I piled some up on a plate, and served milk and cookies for a snack. 

Wow, said the friend, these are warm! 

This young boy was probably about ten years old, but he had never tasted a homemade cookie before. As someone who has grown up on her mother's and grandmother's cookies (as my thighs will attest) I couldn't fathom anyone not having a similar experience. At that moment I vowed to share the love and made a batch of homemade cookies every week.

As a consequence, Mr. O-P, who came along about this time, blames his love for cookies on me. It seemed that homemade cookies proved even more irresistible than I did, and he headed straight for the cookie jar every time he came to pick me up for a date. That old adage about the way to a man's heart being through his stomach is well tested and proved by me.

Though it's hard to believe that life is more complicated these days than it was then, when I was raising two boys, involved in all of their school and extracurricular activities, and working, my weekly cooking and baking has fallen off. This has sent Mr. O-P, more than once, to the cookie aisle at the local market. For a guy who never ate cookies before he got involved with me, he has now become a bit of an expert.

The other day he came home with a bag of Keebler Toffee Shortbread cookies. Not a fan of any packaged cookie (Pepperidge Farm notwithstanding), I have to say these weren't bad. They also gave me the idea to create my own version using a favorite recipe for shortbread, adding in toffee chips, and decorating them up a bit with a drizzle or two of chocolate. This idea turned out to be nothing short of brilliant! These cookies are great (sorry, Keebler!). I was afraid of adding too many toffee bits and making them crumbly, so just used 1/2 cup, but the next time I'm going to go for broke and add 3/4 cup. I'll let you know what happens.
Toffee Shortbread Cookies
3/4 pound unsalted butter, room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup Heath toffee bits (not the chocolate coated kind)
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt

Preheat the oven to 350ยบ F.

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat butter and sugar on medium speed until combined thoroughly. Add the vanilla and toffee bits and beat to combine. Sift together the flour and salt (I just place a sieve over the mixer bowl), and add to the butter-and-sugar mixture. Mix on low speed until the dough starts to come together. Empty contents onto a surface covered with a large piece of plastic wrap, and shape into a flat disk. Wrap and chill for 30 minutes.

Remove dough from fridge, and roll 1/4-inch thick.  Cut with the cookie cutter of your choice. Place the cookies on an ungreased baking sheet and bake for 22 minutes, until the edges begin to brown. Allow to cool to room temperature before removing to a wire rack.

Drizzle with melted chocolate, if desired.

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  1. Nothing like a buttery homemade shortbread cookie! :)

  2. I love the spin you added to your shortbread cookies, and the drizzled chocolate makes them even more sublime!

  3. I love cookies and these look amazing and I know they are the best. Isn't it a same that children do not know what good home cooked food is like. I always make a chicken soup for the little boy that I watch after school - he loves it. I will have to make him some cookies.
    Thanks so much for the recipe and have a great weekend.

  4. Wow, These cookies look sinfully good! I've always been a big fan of shortbread cookies and adding toffee (my other weakness) makes these dangerous. I'd probably eat the whole batch myself! Sharing :)

  5. I joined your blog a while back and have stopped getting posts from you. Any idea why? Thanks!

    Mary L

  6. Hi Mary,

    I tried to respond to your comment privately, but you have a "no reply" email address, so I am hoping that you see my comment here. First of all, thank you so much for being a subscriber to my blog. Secondly, I have no idea why you are not getting posts, but you are not the first to report this. As this is handled by blogger, it is out of my hands, but I have made the suggestion to others with this problem that they unsubscribe and then re-subscribe and this has seemed to work. Hope it does for you, too!!


  7. I just love how this looks... I think it'd be one of those great Christmas recipes! Thank you for sharing!

  8. These sound so great! Isnt that sad that some kids grow up not knowing what homemade cookies are like?

  9. I love the story of how you came up with these cookies! The way to a man's heart is truly through the stomach. :) Thanks for stopping by and sharing this on Five Friday Finds!

  10. Patti,
    Your Shortbread would be a wonderful treat! Thanks so much for sharing your post with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great day and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  11. These look especially good and I may even make a batch. If I missed what chocolate you used and in what form, I apologize, but I'd love to know. Thanks so much.
    I do not use the email listed below. My email is


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