Monday, October 26, 2015

Sharing Greetings & Recipes

If you're looking for a unique way to share a recipe with a friend or family member, I thought this seasonal postcard might prove to be inspiring. I made it years ago to send to a number of people who'd requested the same recipe. We were traveling at the time, so I made up about a dozen of these cards and hand-colored them as we made our way to New Haven, Connecticut where we would be living for a month while working on a research grant at Yale. I'd mail each one as it was completed, so sent greetings all along our way. 
All I did was to buy six sheets of oatmeal-colored card stock, and then, using Microsoft Word, made two 4 x 6"boxes on the document, filling the left portion of each box with my recipe, and the word “POSTCARD” across the top. After printing the document and cutting out the postcards along the lines, I rubber-stamped the bat and ghost post (when I mailed them I placed the postcard stamp to the left of this), and witch. I hand-colored the witch using colored pencils and markers, making each different and therefore unique. Then I addressed them and popped them into the mail. It was a fun way to share a recipe and served the dual purpose of also being a seasonal card.
For more recipe card making ideas, you might want to read this post. For a printable version of the recipe, click here.

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  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Une carte postale étonnante et très originale !

    Gros bisous ✺ ♡ ✺

  2. This is so neat! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  3. I love this cute idea for recipe sharing.
    Thanks so much for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

  4. So cute! Thanks for sharing on My Flagstaff Home!


  5. This is a fantastic idea! My sister is always wanting me to send her old family recipes. What a fun way to do it. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Congratulations! This post will be featured this week at My Flagstaff Home!



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