Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Vietnamese Iced Coffee

I am a morning person; I love the freshness of early morning. I am also a night person, because I love the quietude of late night. Essentially, then, it's midday that I don't really care for, when we are stricken with what we like to call around here, the afternoon blahs.” In the winter, a hot cup of tea and cookies warm from the oven can relieve the “blahs,” but in summer? Well, I recently found the remedy for this dreary time of day while trolling the Sweet Paul website and came across his recipe for Vietnamese Iced Coffee. Generally, I'm a purist when it comes to coffee, and want no part of sweetness or spicy flavor in my hot cuppa joe, but when I tasted this it was love at first sip. This recipe makes four servings. I made a batch of cold brew, and syrup, stored both in the fridge, and when the “blahs” struck, reached for this remedy, pouring a 4:1 ratio of coffee concentrate to syrup, but you can experiment on your own. It is a delightfully exotic way to tackle the dreariness of mid-afternoon.

Vietnamese Iced Coffee
​2 cups water
1 1/2 cups coconut sugar*
4 Melissa's canela (cinnamon)sticks
4 cloves
5 black peppercorns
10 cardamom pods (I used black pods)
1 cup Half ‘n half

Make syrup by putting water, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, pepper, and cardamom in a small saucepan, and bringing it to a boil. Let the mixture simmer for 5 minutes. Cool and strain.

When ready to serve, pour coffee concentrate, Half & Half, and 1/2 cup of the syrup into a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake it baby, shake it. Pour into glasses and enjoy.

*I found this at Trader Joe's.

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  1. Trader Joe's here I come!!! Well maybe not today because it is still raining which of course means this would be the perfect drink for a blah rainy day X3!!!

    I'm usually a purist when it comes to coffee too Pattie. However, that all changed the first time I tried some type of Thai iced coffee. I don't know its name, my son usually orders it for me, lol...

    I can see me liking this coffee drink. I, however, will not be drinking it for the season finale of Elementary, lol...

    Thanks for sharing, Pattie...

  2. I bet this coffee smells wonderful...myself, I like it black, no sugar. I might be able to do it with the sugar, but definitely not the half/half. Yes, I know I am weird, but I just can't do coffee with any type of cream.
    Have a great week, Pattie.

  3. OOh - I would love a cup of this (or two!!) This was featured on the Friday Frenzy - thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  4. Hi Pattie, This recipe for Vietnamese Coffee sounds excellent! I love iced coffee and the addition of the spices sounds dreamy! Thanks for sharing the recipe - I look forward to trying it soon! Your photo was great, too! Blessings, Janet


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