Tuesday, September 6, 2016

This little piggy

When my grandson was over the other day, he stood in the kitchen, looked around and asked, “Why the piggies, grandma?”

“Piggies? ” I asked.

"They're everywhere," he observed.

They are? I thought to myself as I stood next to him, and looked around. Huh. I guess they are.
I never set out to collect pigs. I'm not even sure how this happened to tell you the truth, but it would appear that I have a bit of a pig collection, and because some of you inquired about the wooden pig bowls from my Baker's Rack Redo post, I thought a porcine post was in order.
The two wooden pig bowls that you all liked so much were the first pigs in my collection. I bought them while we were living in Austin and working at the Harry Ransom Library at the University. Because we were always cooped up in the library all week, on weekends we'd explore the area. I spotted these pigs in a local gift shop that was going out of business and closing down the next day. Few things were left except for this pair. I loved them and was happy to not only have them, but at a drastically reduced price.
The next pig I acquired was this watering can. It was a no occasion gift from my husband. He found it, interestingly enough, in a little newly opened gift and antique store in Ferguson, MO. During the rioting a couple of years ago I'm sad to say that this shop was torched and burned down.
I spotted this pig rug at Garden Ridge while we were shopping for a doormat and came home with it (but no door mat, as it turned out). 
I sneaked this sign from Decor Steals into a rather boring spot over the cabinets while my husband was visiting family in New Jersey. Men being men, he didn't notice it until about six months later.
These colorful pig bowls made me smile. They are from two sources. The large one is from the now defunct Napa Style catalog (I dearly miss that catalog.), the smaller one is from World Market. I like the cheery colors, and these are perfect for storing potatoes, onions, shallots, and garlic so it is close at hand.
This napkin holder is a real favorite. I got it last year as I recall and from either Pottery Barn or Sur la Table.

No one was more surprised than I to learn that I have a pig collection.  Now that I'm aware that I do, I'm on the hunt for more!


  1. Love your cute little piggies! Have a wonderful day ♥


  2. Lol on your clueless-ness about your collection! Sad about the Ferguson shop. My husband, who wants to raise pigs, doesn't know it yet but we shall have a pig collection. :)

  3. Oh how funny!! And what a collection it is....oink, oink!!! I have a collection of farm animals - cows, pigs, and chickens/roosters. Can't help it, it just happened! There may even be a little sheep in there somewhere. Like you, I miss Napa Style - awesome stuff, just a tad bit pricey, unfortunately. Probably why they are no more! Anyway, love your collection!

  4. I love your piggy collection Pattie! That's too funny what your grandson said, and I have to agree, you have quite a barnyard full! I can't believe your husband didn't notice the large pink pig for 6 months!! Last year I hung a flying witch on the inside of our front door, and he didn't notice it for weeks! My favorites are the colorful pig bowls, I love those!

  5. Pattie, how cute that your grandson had to point out that you have a collection; at least he notices. I really like those unique wood pig bowls...they would be great for rolls or chips.
    Nice collection!

  6. OOO...I love all your pigs...and, of COURSE,now I want some,too


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