Thursday, January 18, 2018

Mocha Chip Ice Cream

At the end of last year I made the announcement that I was no longer going to bake. I don't like baking, and life is too short to do things that you don't want to do. This is not to say that I won't be making biscuits, scones, and cookies, because life isn't worth living without biscuits, scones, and cookies; I love them. But, over the years, because I don't enjoy baking, I find that whenever I'm hosting a dinner, 50% of my stress comes from trying to think up a dessert to make, and then actually making that dessert. So, from now on, I am going to patronize some of the wonderful bakeries within a 5-mile radius of my home, of which there are plenty, for my desserts. You're welcome local merchants.

But just because I don't plan to bake does not mean that I'm not going to be serving some delicious homemade desserts of my own. Loads of yumminess can be made without baking. Case in point, this delicious Mocha Chip Ice Cream that is a breeze to assemble, with a decidedly high-end taste, not to mention heavenly!

I used an
ice cream maker, but you really don't have to, you can pour this mixture into a loaf pan and pop it into your freezer. In order to keep the chocolate chips from settling to the bottom, let it freeze for a while before you add them, then fold them in, and put it back into the freezer. This is so good that you are not going to want to share.
Mocha Chip Ice Cream

1 tablespoon espresso powder
1 tablespoon KahlĂșa
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 14-oz can Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk
2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

Dissolve espresso powder in KahlĂșa; stir in vanilla. In a medium mixing bowl whisk together sweetened condensed milk and heavy cream, fold in espresso mixture. Pour mixture into your
ice cream maker and process according to manufacturer's directions. During the last minute or two of processing, pour in chocolate chips. Turn out into a freezer safe container, and freeze until firm.

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  1. Pattie,
    How wise you are to steer away from activities that cause stress. I am doing the same thing in many areas of my life! Feels so good:) Wondering now why I waited so long! Ha!
    Loving this dessert and it's so beautiful too!

  2. This is right up my alley Pattie. LOVE mocha ice cream, and that dollop of whipped cream in your photo made me hungry for it. And it's not even 7am.
    You made the decision not to bake at the same time I made the decision to bake more - lol! I'm more into bread baking and am trying to get a sourdough starter going.

  3. I hope I didn't get any drool on your blog!! This looks delish....I am not much of a baker (as you saw with my bundt cakes) and if anyone asks what they can "bring" for a get together, I always say "dessert"!! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Your Ice Cream will be a very special treat! Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Full Plate Thursday. Have a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  5. Oh my and with Kahlua too. Yum. Pity I just started a diet, I wonder if I can fit that in somewhere. I will print just in case.

  6. Coffee ice cream is my absolute favorite! And this looks amazing!

    Thanks for sharing. :-)

  7. Mocha chip ice cream looks so yummy and scrumptious and every one can attempt this at home with no gelato ice cream maker and it is anything but difficult to make and it is simple for the individuals who doesn't knows to cook and they can likewise effectively influence this ice-to cream.


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