Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Pimiento Cheese Spread

You do not have to read this blog long before you come to the realization that I am a woman who loves her Pimiento Cheese. But, I am also a woman who likes Pimiento Cheese Spread. Aren’t they the same thing, you ask? Indeed not, is my haughty reply. Pimiento Cheese has few ingredients, is simple, without complexity, and elegant in its pureness. Pimiento Cheese Spread is anything but pure. It’s more like your trampy cousin from Poughkeepsie. You know, the one the family doesn’t talk about. Yep, that’s Pimiento Cheese Spread.

Whereas Pimiento Cheese needs to be folded gently together with a spatula, Pimiento Cheese Spread can be whipped with the whisk attachment of your Mixmaster. The idea is to beat those ingredients into submission to form a wonderful creamy spread. Not all of the components can be identified like they can be in Pimiento Cheese, but that doesn’t matter. This spread is creamy, spicy, loaded with flavor, and works equally well as a dip, a sandwich spread, a sandwich topping, spread on crackers or warm toast, and is mighty tasty on a toasted bagel or apple wedge.

I like mine with a bit of a kick, so you may want to tone things down a bit. That’s all right, it doesn’t matter. There is an artistry to making cheese spreads, and it is extra special when you make it all your own.

Here is the recipe that I used, change it up as you see fit.
Pimiento Cheese Spread

2 cups shredded extra sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup diced
Melissa's Fire Roasted Red Peppers
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup Duke's mayonnaise

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion salt
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon Old Bay seasoning
A pinch of cayenne pepper
A few gratings of freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon juice of pickled jalapeños

Toss all of the ingredients into a medium to large bowl, and beat it into submission. You can use a whisk, you can use your hands, I used the whisk attachment on my KitchenAid.

If you are more of a don’t-add-anything-extra traditionalist, then you will no doubt enjoy Tupelo Honey Café’s Pimiento Cheese. I think it is my very favorite…I think.

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  1. i actually don't think I've ever had pimento anything. Does it taste anything like pickles, lol because I don't care much for them. i might have to try them some day.

  2. Pimento Cheese is a favorite here at the cottage! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday and sure hope you are having a great week!
    Miz Helen


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