Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Vinegar Pie

As I promised in my review of American Food last Sunday, here is the recipe for Vinegar Pie. There were mixed reviews on this. My aunt, who is a pie person, didn’t like it at all. I am not a pie person, and I thought it was yummy. My aunt’s complaint was that it was a pie “that didn’t know what it wanted to be.” I’m wondering if I would have told her that it was a lemon pie if she would have liked it. I thought it had a sweet, tangy, appealing flavor that immediately excited the taste buds. I will definitely make this again. The pie recipe called for no embellishment, but because I was serving it to company, piped stabilized whipped cream rosettes on top, dusting each with a whisper of ground cinnamon.
 You need no special ingredients to put this together, pantry staples will do, adding to its appeal. If you do chose to make it, you can talk about how it is one of the desperation pies from the old days, mentioned frequently in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie series.
Vinegar Pie from American Food
Makes one 10-inch pie

4 large eggs, room temperature, lightly beaten
1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup (one stick) unsalted butter, melted and cooled
3 tablespoons
apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
One pre-baked 10-inch pie crust, cooled

Preheat the oven to 350° F. Whisk together the eggs, sugar, butter, vinegar, and vanilla extract in a large bowl until there are no lumps. Pour the mixture into the piecrust and bake for 15 minutes or until the top is golden brown and the center is set. (It will still be soft.)

Remove to a wire rack and cool completely, at least two hours, or refrigerate. This can be served cold or at room temperature and keeps in the refrigerator for several days.

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  1. I love how this looks - the crusty top and soft filling - yum! Yes, maybe it was the word "vinegar" that influenced your aunt - lol!

  2. It looks good to me - no matter the name! I once told my mom I had a new pie recipe that involved you putting an entire cut up lemon, peel and all (sans seeds) into a food processor for a pie and she panned it immediately. It is literally the creamiest delightful lemon pie ever...her loss!

  3. I have a recipe for whole lemon muffins where you do the same with a lemon, and I really enjoyed them.


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