Friday, August 28, 2020

Curried Avocado Soup

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I love avocados in any form. I will cut them in half and eat them as is, I will put them on toast or in salads, whip them into salad dressing, I have even made gelato out of them. I have a favorite cucumber and avocado soup that is pleasantly mild and flavorful, but I had never thought about the addition of curry. While perusing the July 15th issue of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, I cut out a recipe for Curried Avocado Soup, and had the opportunity to try it this week. I think this is one of my new favorite ways to eat an avocado. I seriously made moaning sounds with every bite. If you like avocado like I do, you need to give this a try.
Curried Avocado Soup
Slightly adapted from St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 15, 2020

2 medium-ripe Haas (dark-skinned) avocados
2¼ c. vegetable stock, divided*
1 to 1½ t. curry powder
¼ - ½ t. salt, or to taste
¹⁄8 - ¼ t. white pepper
½ c. heavy cream
2 T. fresh lemon juice

Split the avocados in half with a knife and remove the pits. Set aside one half. Scoop out the insides of the other 3 halves with a spoon and blend with 1 cup of the stock in a blender or food processor (I used the latter) until smooth. Stir in the curry powder, salt, pepper, cream and the remaining 1¼ cups of stock. Chill.

When ready to serve, garnish the soup with thin avocado slices that have been cut from the remaining avocado half and dipped in lemon juice.

*If you don’t have vegetable stock, chicken works as well.


  1. So creamy! I would love this soup too as I am a huge fan of anything avocado.

  2. Your soup looks wonderful, but despite loving Indian cuisine, I just can't develop a taste for curry powder. I might try your other avocado soup recipe... thanks

  3. I quite like the idea of avocado soup with curry flavor.


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