Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Simple Changes Yield Big Results

I don’t know about you, but I do know that I am not the only person refreshing, redoing, renewing, and remodeling my home. I have seen more changes in my and my friends' homes during the lock-down than I have in the past decade! I think there is something about staying in, and looking at the same thing every day, that calls for a change. (I won’t mention whether or not that feeling has extended to significant others.)
I made a few changes to my entry hall, kitchen, and stairs leading to the great room that I will share later. Today, I’m going to share the simple changes with big impact that I made in my bedroom. My bedroom has become my sanctum sanctorum. There are days when I hardly leave my king-size bed; I just pile it up with books, craft projects, snacks, and the remote, and spend the day enjoying myself.
After a month, I started getting sick of looking at everything, so I gave it a good clean, and swapped out the draperies and bedding for something new. The second photo from the top is the before picture; I like it, I just grew tired of it.
Here is the after picture. I was looking for texture and pattern, as well as a worldlier look to complement the framed picture over the bed. I think I’ve accomplished that. It may surprise you to learn that, at the base of the bed, is an Anthropologie macramé table runner; running down the center is an African mud cloth throw. If you’re looking for a quick and interesting change, textiles make an impactful difference. Don’t be limited by their designated use, think outside the box. Drape them over chairs, sofas, or even your bed, as I have done here.
The basket at the end of the bed once held produce and other edible goodies (as well as a luscious bottle of wine) from Melissa’s Produce. I love the look and sturdiness of it, and have used it again and again. I keep ringing that bell, but nobody, thus far, has waited on me. ;-)

Sleep tight!


  1. Placing the basket on the bed with a few personal items is an interesting idea. I like your new look. We have actually used the time to get rid of and organize. I find that we are enjoying our home more than ever. I added lots of hanging flowers baskets to our yard and deck this year where we seem to be doing limited entertaining and spending lots of time-

  2. I've been doing little touches of stuff here and there, too. But I have to leave the house every day, ugh. I would LOVE to coccoon a little and change up things in a big way. I am so looking forward to Fall and setting out some Fall pretties...

  3. wow i LOVE your bedroom.

    I get what you say about staying on the bed all day with books, crafts, ,etc. I do all my artwork sitting on my bed.

    After having to sit at a desk for 30 plus years for work - I can't stand to sit upright at a table to do anything more than eat a meal or visit with someone.

  4. It's beautiful, I love the neutrals!


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