Monday, March 22, 2021

Special St. Pat's Postmark

It’s not always that things go to plan, but they did this month, at least for me. Last month when I mailed out St. Valentine’s Day cards well in advance, a woman who lives four houses down from me didn’t get hers until a month later. I made sure, when I mailed out my St. Patrick’s Day cards, that I also included a greeting for a Happy Easter in case there was a duplicate of that scenario. 

I decided to mail the St. Patrick’s Day cards on the first of the month, doing so via Saint Patrick, Missouri in order to get their special postmark as I mentioned in
this post. I was so pleased to see mine arrive on the 17th. I said that I would share what the postmark for this year looked like, and here it is. This is a nice service that they offer, free of charge, and it adds so much to the envelope.

I did learn that there is an Easter, South Dakota, but it’s a small town and they don’t have a post office. Unfortunately. ;-)



  1. This is so neat and quite a service by that town. Even the stamp is pretty! And of course your envelope handiwork just makes it so special.

  2. Such a beautiful and lovely card and its envelope. Happy Monday!

  3. I heard Valentine,Texas does the same for Valentine's Day but don't know any of the details


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