Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Purple Rain Cocktail

Just when I think I have discovered my favorite cocktail, I make something new, and then it becomes my favorite cocktail. Today I enjoyed this beautiful (much prettier than it is in the picture) cocktail called Purple Rain. It is so delightful that you’ll no doubt want to imbibe more than you probably should. Pace yourself!

 It’s important, if the color is of great concern to you, that you use cranberry juice as opposed to cranberry juice cocktail. Cranberry juice cocktail does not have the depth of color that cranberry juice does. If that’s all that you have on hand, and find that your cocktail is more blue than you’d like, you can add a few drops of red food coloring until you get the color that you desire. As always, pin the top photo, and you’ll have the recipe forever.


  1. That looks infinitely guzzle-able! When you say "cranberry juice" do you mean unsweetened?

  2. Definitely sweetened, Linda. Just not one mixed with other juices.


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