Friday, April 26, 2024

Orgy in a Barn

Okay, here’s the thing. Knowing that I am going to need a lot of cocktails to get me through the baseball season, I decided that I was going to find one signature cocktail for the entire summer of 2024. I chose a cocktail that I found online called Sex on the Farm because it sounded refreshing, included cranberry juice and orange juice (that I knew I would freshly squeeze), and just seemed to be exactly the flavor profile that I was looking for.
What happened was, when I went to make this cocktail I had completely forgotten the measurements of the ingredients, and ended up quadrupling the amount of peach schnapps!! I also decided to use the juice from a Melissa's Ojai pixie tangerine because they are so deliciously sweet, instead of orange juice, and both of those changes took this cocktail over the top. It is magnificent! As a consequence, I figured that I really needed to rename the cocktail with a nod to the original, but giving it something of my own, ergo the Orgy in a Barn cocktail was racily born. Try it! (The cocktail, not the barn orgy. That would be rude and perhaps off-putting for the animals.)
Sex at a Farm Stand

 1½ oz. vodka

2 oz. peach schnapps

2 oz. cranberry juice

2 oz. freshly squeezed Ojai tangerine juice

 Give it a stir and pour it over ice in a glass. Garnish with a wedge of tangerine, and a stemmed cherry.

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  1. the name...
    Sounds refreshing! I might add some seltzer water.

  2. That looks like it could get me into quite a bit of trouble on a sunny afternoon...

  3. Great name and the cocktail sounds really delicious too.

  4. When I saw this on IG last night I laughed and laughed! It really sounds delicious. I've never tried Peach Schnapps, but I know I would love it.

  5. haha, this is quite a cocktail! Cheers to baseball season!

  6. I wish I had a sip! Your post has brought a smile!


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