Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Coastal Christmas

This holiday season has been an unusual one for me. As anyone who has experienced the loss of someone close knows, the first of every holiday following this loss is a difficult one. In some ways, it's better, because the stress and burden of care has been lifted. In other ways, it's painfully sad, and I struggle for a new normal. I am treating myself well this year, indulging myself more than I probably should, but I have been finding much enjoyment in the peace and quiet and new traditions that I am beginning for myself.
One of my coping mechanisms is to do everything different this year than I have in the past. I live differently now than I used to, so decorating has changed to fit my new lifestyle. One thing that I am particularly enjoying this year is my coastal Christmas tree in the bedroom. Years ago when my boys were young, I used to put up a Christmas tree in every room of the house. At that time we had a nine-room house, so yes, that meant nine Christmas trees, 10 if you count the small one in the powder room. This year I have but two, but am planning next year's Christmas tree for my English hunt theme office. I already have a very large collection of English hunt ornaments, and these ornaments deserve their own tree.
 But this year I'm relaxing and enjoying the sparkly coastal tree in the bedroom, set on a timer so that I can fall asleep with the lights on, and enjoy the beginning of what will become a new tradition.
 With few exceptions, all of the ornaments on the tree come from Pier 1 (I told you I indulged myself.). I found that the tree was lacking in a few areas, so I grabbed the two bathing beauties that you first saw in this table setting, and put them onto the tree. I think they look perfect here, and give the tree a bit of whimsy.
 I love the soft colors, they go very well with the bedroom,  I'm getting quite a kick out of the Adirondack chair ornaments with the wreaths, and am enjoying the little bottle ornaments with the beach glass inside.
 The burlap poinsettias are from purchases that I made last year, the starfish interspersed around the tree have been in my beach collection for many years, beginning back from my college days when I spent the summer in Florida taking a geology class.
 I hope you are enjoying the season as much as I find myself enjoying it. Take time for yourself, relax, and enjoy, the New Year will be here before you know it.
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  1. Beautiful and peaceful. I can't imagine decorating 10 trees for my home, but am sure every one of your trees must have been lovely.

  2. Your decorations are adorable! I love the idea of a Christmas tree in the bedroom and going to sleep with the lights on - magical! I'm so glad you are indulging yourself. So many people are unable/unwilling to do that, when in reality it is vital to the healing process.

  3. Your coastal tree in the bedroom is lovely. I'm sorry for your loss and happy that you are indulging yourself and handling it very wisely. Have a great Christmas.

  4. Beautiful tree, Pattie. I love the bathing beauty. I will anxiously await next year to see your English hunt tree.
    I am happy to see you are spoiling deserve it.
    Merry Christmas, Pattie!

  5. I really admire the way you have dealt with your loss Pattie, being open on your blog about it, and continuing to move forward in your life. I can only imagine how difficult this year has been, but I have lost a son, so I do know some of your pain and feelings. I think it is wonderful that you are celebrating and decorating, and changing it for you. All that said, I LOVE LOVE your coastal tree. This is on my to do list for next year, in fact I bought a pinkish gold tree on sale at Target a few weeks ago and have been starting to collect ornaments. I will head over to Pier 1 to see if they have anything left. I love your bathing beauties, and that vintage looking Santa face. How lovely to fall asleep to a sparking tree every night...Merry Christmas Pattie!


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