Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Harvest Dinner

Tablescape Thursday is hosted by Susan from Between Naps on the Porch.

I've long been a reader of the beautiful and informative blog, Between Naps on the Porch. Dish and dinnerware fanatic that I am, Tablescape Thursday was one of my favorite days.  It comforted me to know that I was not alone in my quiet accumulating of dishes and glassware, my flatware fanaticism, and linen lust!  Now that I have a blog of my own I've decided to take part, beginning with this harvest table set for a late October meal.

When I build a table, and in many cases, this is exactly what I do, I begin first with the tablecloth, and then the centerpiece.  This centerpiece was born of pure serendipity.  I was shopping at Michael's one day and saw cornucopias piled up like warped lumber outside in one of the sale bins.  In all my years of entertaining I'd never used a cornucopia, so grabbed one (At only $2.99 I figured if it didn't work I could just toss it without remorse.), and immediately my mind went to work deciding what I'd put in it and around it. 

I wanted the table to represent all of the beauty and glory fall has to offer, so this meant the harvest.  I wanted seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts, sheaves of wheat, Indian corn, cranberries, and unassuming lighting that offered a glow without detracting from the main attraction.  I also wanted a hint toward what was yet to come so filled a small trifle bowl with cranberries and added an amber ceramic turkey.

I wanted the placemats rustic and the dinnerware simple.  The dinner plates were from my collection of Fiestaware, alternating yellow plates with crimson ones.  The bowls are from a set of dishes called "Autumn Splendor."  I can't tell you how much I love these.

The napkins were made by my dear mother who can turn any piece of fabric I give her into something lovely for the table.  This fabric she found on her own and I think it's just perfect.  I'd told her that I wanted something that smacked of fall and food.  Her choice of the Indian corn pattern did both perfectly.  The goblets are also a favorite.  My mother bought them on a whim back in the 70's along with the chunky yellow-handled flatware.  After 20 years of use she was ready to move on and passed them to my welcoming hands.  They are bold, and fun, and surprisingly versatile.

I hope you enjoyed my harvest table.

Plates: Fiestaware
Bowls: Autumn Splendor
Napkins: My mom
Table Covering: Bed, Bath & Beyond
Flatware & Goblets: Gift
Mini Trifle Bowl: Target
Ceramic Turkey: Crate & Barrel


  1. Pattie,
    Your table is beautiful! I look forward to Tablescape Thursdays also! It's so much fun to see what everyone does each week.


  2. Hi, and welcome to Tablescape Thursdays!!! Glad to see a new face! I just started reading/contributing to it about 2 months ago, and it really is a lot of fun. Your centerpiece is really lush and pretty! Kudos to your Mom for those cool corn napkins...they are perfect! I really like the use of the corn kernels in the glass cannisters, too. Very nice!

  3. Beautiful table. It is lovely all the colors and rich feeling. You did a great post. And welcome...this is a fun party. Everyone is wonderful that is involved.
    Have a great day!

  4. Welcome to a great playground.. I think you'll fit right in. I love your table. The centerpiece turned out just great. Man those yellow glasses and flatware are so cool. Lucky you.

  5. Welcome to blogging and tablescaping, yes we all have a little addiction to plates, flatware, linens, knickknacks, etc. You have been busy in October. I have only been bloggin since May 20th and have loved it.

    I am your newest follower, come follow me back! So nice to meet you. I spent some time running around in your recipes, fun!

  6. I am a fairly new blogger and tablescaper too, and I am having a great time! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I can see why you love the Autumn Splendor with their perfect size and pretty graphics. I will follow you on your new journey, and hope you will consider following me too! Linda

  7. Hi Pattie,
    Beautiful table!I used a cornucopia too! I think I love the goblets and flatware the best! Great job!

  8. It's always nice to see new talent! Lovely, lovely table.

  9. Love your cornucopia of fruits & veggies tumbling across the table :-)

  10. Pattie, you got me giggling with your "flatware fanaticism and linen lust"! Love it! Your fall table looks so lush and abundant -- and what fabulous fabric for the napkins! I can see why you love those Autumn Splendor dishes, too! Thanks so much for your comment on my table this week!

  11. Aren't you so glad and blessed that your mom bought that yellow stemware and flatware way back in the 70s? That's the kind of stuff I scour the antique malls and second hand shops for. It's pretty and DIFFERENT. I love the whole table, especially the "abundance of plenty" spilling out from the cornucopia.

    Just as pretty as it can be!

  12. Very beautiful and colorful! Love it!...Christine

  13. I'm so glad you are joining TT. Your table is just lovely - full of autumn's bounty and colors. How wonderful that you have your mother's treasures and her handiwork to grace your table.

  14. Oh such festive fun! I also love that onion soup recipe.

    Come and link to my weekly meme, Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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