Saturday, December 4, 2010

Martha's Snickerdoodles

A must in the creation of a theme-type of cookbook like Martha Stewart's COOKIES is to be certain to include old favorites along with new recipes, and Martha has done just that.  Today I felt like something simple and homey, so chose Snickerdoodles.  My grandmother used to always make these during the holidays so just the smell of them baking reminds me of Christmas.

What cookie reminds you of Christmas?

Martha Stewart's Cookies: The Very Best Treats to Bake and to Share (Martha Stewart Living Magazine)

This is linked to Cookbook Sundays.


  1. The one cookie that reminds me of Christmas are thumbprint cookies. My grandmother used to make them every year just at Christmas. I can't look at a thumbprint cookie without thinking of her. :o) I used to make snickerdoodles when the kids were growing up, you brought back some memories! Thank you so much for sharing with Cookbook Sundays. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. Oh, what a visual treat to scroll through many of your delicious looking posts this morning! I'll take a bite of everything! Wonderful blog :)

  3. well done and so crispy n delicious looking !

  4. Those look so good! I love the background to your blog.

  5. Your version of Martha's snickerdoodles look so yummy! I've got her cookies book but I haven't made them yet. I think I had better fix that!

  6. I never ever heard of a snickerdoodle here in New Zealand (I don't think they feature in the repertoire of your average Kiwi cook), until an American friend gave me a big bag of them for Xmas a couple of years ago. Loved them and now I always think of Clare and of Xmas whenever I see a post for snickerdoodles somewhere :-)


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