Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Versatility of Napkins

This sweet little vignette is not of my own creation.  In fact, I was surprised to even come across something so clever and vibrant in, of all places, a kitchen cabinet and fixture supply company!  But there it was, amidst door fronts, drawer pulls, and hinges.  I spotted it just as we were hastily leaving in order to get home ahead of the snow.  Had I a bit more time I'd have straightened out the flatware and photographed it from a variety of angles, not to mention turned the plates upside down to make note of the manufacturer.

What did impress me about this little layout is that the "placemats" are actually napkins.  Folded into triangles, the folded side flush against the runner, they make for a unique and lovely presentation.  In all my years of setting tables this had never occurred to me, but it's an idea I now love and look forward to putting to use at first opportunity (of course I will need to buy a runner to complement the napkins I currently have or heck, maybe a NEW runner and a NEW set of napkins is in order).

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  If you happen to know the manufacturer of either the linens or the dinnerware, please let me know.  Not that I'd purchase an EIGHTH set of dinnerware, ahem, but I am curious. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

This is linked to Tablescape Thursday.


  1. That is a great idea! I love it and will use it myself for sure! I don't know this for a fact but the dishes look like they are from Pier 1 and the runner and napkins look like April Cornell to me, but it's just a guess. Thank you for sharing such a great idea!

  2. Those are really beautiful dishes- I really like the shape and the design on the cups. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment!

  3. Hi lovely lady.
    This is my first time on your Beautiful blog. I love your dishes and the way you use the napkins for placemats !!!This was a great Idea!!! May be Pier One for looking for more dishes ~~ Im your newest follower on your blog.
    I hope you come over to see my Tablescapes sweet lady!!! Diane

  4. That's a lovely setting. Glad you spotted it and had your camera ready. Great idea about the napkins.

  5. FAbulous! I have so many sets of great napkins!

  6. Not only do I love those dishes, but like you, the napkins turned placemats is a clever idea! I actually turned some Dollar Tree placemats into napkins for a tablescape some time back, but I like the way they have them turned on point in this picture.

    Happy Tablescape Thursday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  7. Don't you just love to learn something new? Sometimes a table is narrow and placemats are too big. It looks like the other point is under the table runner so it lays flat. Very nice

  8. Not sure if my comment made it. I love this, but I can't help with the names! People do tend to stare when we start taking photos and turning plates upside down, don't the? A good reminder to think "outside the box"!

  9. I love that place setting. What a great find in an interesting place.

    I guarantee you are going to see that triangle napkin placemat idea all over blogland now. I know that I want to try it myself! I'll give shout outs to you if I do so it won't be complete theft. LOL

    And aren't those dishes gorgeous?

  10. You are a true tablescaper taking a picture of that display in the store! It takes one to know one! I would have done the same. Good luck on finding the plates and napkins. They are gorgeous!

  11. Very pretty tablescape. I used to be the manager of a kitchen and bath design studio. One of my favorite things to do was setting up little vignettes in each of the cabinet displays.

  12. What a charming tablescape idea. The plates could be DeRuta...from Italy. They might also be a knock-off of DeRuta, maybe Pier One, which means they might be manufactured in Mexico. There are many different artists who create dinnerware designs from DeRuta, Italy. I think that you could probably Google it. Thank you for showing us the charming designs. Cherry Kay


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