Saturday, March 19, 2011

From Grandmother's Cookbook: CHICKEN a la KING

A while ago I posted about the wonderful time I had paging through my grandmother's cookbook in the entry found here.  I've been at it again, browsing and cooking, and am going to share with you not only the photo of the delicious result, but the very pages written by my grandmother's hand that charmed me to the core.

Basically, this is the recipe that I used, and have been using for years, but to suit our tastes, I now add 1 clove of finely minced garlic and 1/2 cup of chopped onion in with the mushrooms and green pepper.  These ingredients just seem to add a depth to the flavor that we rather like, but then, what can't be improved with the addition of onion and garlic?  Despite adding the chopped onion, however, I do still add the onion juice, so don't eliminate that no matter what you do.  In addition, sometimes, just sometimes, I am a little heavy handed with the Sherry!

This is an elegant dish, made popular in the seventies, and still earns praises today.

Bon Appetit!


  1. I love that handwritten recipe, it looks so much like my own grandmother's hand writing.

  2. What a treasure Pattie. I have all of my grandma's recipes and love to go back and read her handwriting. Thanks for the inspiration to perhaps pull out an old recipe or two...
    ps, this looks delicious. I love chicken a la king.

  3. Just seeing your grandma's handwriting gave me such a warm feeling. How lucky you are to have her cookbook. Makes me wonder how many of my own grandmother's recipes I have - nothing as beautiful as this Chicken a la King!

  4. I haven't thought of Chicken ala King in years. What a wonderful comfort food. I love using old family recipes they really are the best. This looks wonderful.

  5. This chicken, as well as the almond cake, look terrific! Thank you for the recipes. Also, thank you very much for your so generous comments on the dishes I designed at my hubby's Ceramic Factory he had til 3 years ago, he sold it since, so now nobody makes them anymore. They were made by the wheel (no molds, that is), and hand decorated too... I had around 14-15 designs, at least we all have it...I have 3, my daughters and granddaughters too, I made them for the little girls's already. I will make a tablescape with their designs so I can Share them with you all.
    Have a nice sunday.

  6. J'adore those rooster napkins... très FAB!!!


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