Saturday, November 17, 2012

Spirited Cranberry Sauce

The jewel of the Thanksgiving table is cranberry sauce; its brilliant red color beckons to be tasted. Do not underestimate the importance of this lovely little addition to one of the year's most important meals. More than just a condiment, it can be a welcome side dish. After the meal it makes a zesty topping for a turkey sandwich, mixed with mayonnaise a tasty topper for a hamburger, warmed and poured over a brick of cream cheese, you have a festive holiday snack.

Look no further for the easiest and best recipe for this versatile sauce. The liquor makes it adults only, the variety of spirits that can be used will suit any taste. Try something a little different this year. It's guaranteed to make your guests take notice.

Spirited Cranberry Sauce

2 12-ounce bags fresh cranberries
2-3/4 cups granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup spirits (Bourbon, Grand Marnier, Triple Sec, Irish Whiskey, Tequila)

Preheat oven to 350F.

Rinse cranberries and pour into a 9" x 13" pan. Top with sugar and cinnamon, and stir to combine. Cover pan with foil, sealing edges tightly.  Bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes, stirring mixture halfway through baking time. Remove from oven, stir in spirits. Cool. Store in refrigerator. Keeps 4-6 weeks. Recipe may be halved.

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  1. What a great recipe! I have never thought of baking a cranberry! I imagine the flavor is very intense....of course, the booze doesn't hurt! I will make this... I love condiments!

  2. I always make my own cranberry sauce now. it is soooo easy and soooo good. Many different versions out there. I have always done mine on the stove top. I will have to try your baking method.

  3. Yum--this looks delicious and so easy! I always make cranberry orange relish but this really sounds so tempting. Happy Thanksgiving. Linda

  4. I think I just found my new cranberry recipe! Yum!


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