Thursday, March 7, 2013

Destination: Dinner

I always get itchy to go someplace as soon as the weather shows signs of warming, and it is then that I start daydreaming about all sorts of exotic locales.  Thank goodness that while the weather is still cold, I can still have a little getaway at dinnertime with this great set of Old World Maps dishes.  They are complemented wonderfully by the Eiffel Tower glasses by La Rochere, and the beautiful blue Hydrangea that Mr. O-P gave me for Valentine’s Day.  Now to cook up something fabulous to fit this worldly tablescape.
As you know from this table setting, I am having a blast searching for scrapbook paper to put beneath these glass blocks to use as chargers.  It is such fun shopping the scrapbook aisle seeing what I can pair up with all of the different dinnerware designs that I have.  Even solid plates previously used for layering can come alive with just the right background.
As for napkins, I love them, and take advantage of any sale that I can find.  Hint – Pier I has them on sale this week.  When I selected these gray napkins at 50% off I had no idea what I’d do with them.  The price was right, they only had four, so I bought them, vowing to challenge myself to come up with a use.  I think they look perfect here.  The fold is a fun one as well.  It’s called Pyramid and a great How-To tutorial can be found here.
Here is what the plates look like before the napkin is put into place.
Isn’t this Hydrangea lovely?  I can hardly wait to put it into the ground.  I have visions of a summer house full of bouquets, and dried blossoms adorning wreaths.

The salt and pepper shakers are Fiestaware, but they seem to add just the right splash of color to this table.
I have had these white butterfly dishes since I was in college.  It was then that I first started eating and making Chinese food; these are designed for sweet and sour and hot mustard sauces.  I figured, why wait until I serve Chinese food to use these gems?  Butterflies are such a nice reminder of spring and these dishes can be used for any type of sauce, or a small duo of condiments or salad mix ins.
I am a big fan of this bamboo flatware that I picked up a couple of years ago at Crate & Barrel.  I think it makes a meal feel as if I’m eating it in some exotic locale.
The glasses?  What can I tell you?  I love, love, LOVE them!  Perfect for serving a nice French wine.


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  1. I love love love this tablescape. Oh my those dishes and the way you used scrapbook paper! Perfect! I am so in love with those glasses!
    hugs, Linda

  2. I just love your dishes. Everything looks so well together. The table is beautiful.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Love the wine glasses! The whole table is so creative!

  4. Pattie, my dear....SO well done! The colors in the dish pattern are so great, and it all looks so perfect with the bamboo in tow! The table runner is the perfect partner, too! GREAT Eiffel Tower glasses!!! I haven't been to Pier 1 in awhile, but those napkins are a beautiful color! Great use of the pretty butterfly, too! I love it when the butterflies begin to fly into our lives in Spring!!! Have a beautiful weekend!

  5. Pattie, this is such a fun table...♥ the map dishes. The flatware is really cool, is it easy to eat with? I am drooling over your hydrangea, which happens to be my favorite is so hard to grow in the hot Kansas sun.

  6. Such a clever idea to use the scrapbook paper under the glass. Great looking table all around. And of course the Eiffel Tower stems are making me smile.

  7. I love those dishes, Patti, so different. Wonderful table!
    I bet those hydrangea are giving you a lot of pleasure! I bought myself a pot full, and they are brightening these cold days!
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish!
    Hope to see you at the St. Pat's Blog Crawl Wed, a recipe, a table, anything Irish!


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