Friday, November 15, 2013

Starting with Soup

I don’t know how you begin your Thanksgiving meal, but I always start with a warming cup of soup.  It gives the turkey a chance to rest,” and fills guests with anticipation over what comes next. Over the years I have tried many different varieties.  I’m not quite sure which one I like the best, but here, to inspire you in your culinary endeavors, are my top five.  Click on the name of the soup to take you to the recipe.

Made with squash, warm spices, and fresh herbs.

Flavorful and creamy, a good vegetarian choice.

Unique, exotic, and delicious.

Earthy and delicious with a complex taste.

Light and delicate, with the added convenience of make ahead.

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  1. The mushroom sounds like the one I would like best. Though the all sound great!



  2. Beautiful! That Thai soup sounds interesting and also the celery soup! It certainly is soup weather up here in blustery Michigan! I have your page bookmarked!

  3. I don't usually start Thanksgiving dinner with soup, Pattie. It really is a good idea when you think about allowing the turkey to rest.

    Let me see, I'm liking the notion of Scallion Soup. Hmmm...I better check it out!

    Thanks for sharing, Pattie...

  4. Beautiful soups Pattie, I've never heard of scallion soup, yum! They all look wonderful, thank you!


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