Saturday, December 21, 2013

O Tannenbaum

 Once the bathroom was decorated I was on my way. I'll be entertaining on dual levels this year, which can make things a bit of a challenge, but for the most part, most of the action will be here in the great room. Thank goodness the tree is now up. This picture below made me laugh. It's a terrible picture, I know, this dreary weather makes photography a bit of a challenge, but what makes this photo so funny is that I accidentally captured the image on the television. Look at the poor guy on the floor. That is exactly how I feel!
The tree skirt made me a bit teary this morning. It was made by my mother back in the seventies when she, my aunt, and I were having our holiday bazaars
It still looks as bright and beautiful as it did then, and my mother (woman of the tiny stitches), sewed everything by hand. 
The ornaments on the tree are a mishmash of things that reflect my life over the years. 

Our travels. 
 The kids. 

My lifelong interest in mysteries and Sherlock Holmes. 
 My love of Charles Dickens, 19th century Britain and all things English. 
There are a lot of ornaments on this tree representing "A Christmas Carol," all of which are special because I loved the book, and my number two son played Scrooge in a high school presentation for which he won an award.
 The little houses perch on tree lights to give them illumination. 

I have even framed some British postcards that are enlargements of a series of stamps that bear images of scenes from the book.

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  1. Hi Pattie, Your tree looks beautiful! Love all your special ornaments and tree skirt! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh, Pattie! It is lovely! I love all of your ornaments, and I especially love the tree skirt. Big, BIG hugs, my friend. BIG HUGS.

    And how neat that you have things from "A Christmas Carol" on the tree. I love that story. I watched a modified version of it on the HallMark Channel the other evening.

    Merry Christmas!


  3. A lovely post! Your tree is just beautiful, and obviously a treasure chest of special memories. Don't you love opening up the storage boxes every year and re-living those memories? Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  4. I love love love those Sherlock ornaments!!! I am a big Sherlock buff. Wherever did you find them?


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