Monday, May 19, 2014

All-Grown-Up Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies


I do not understand the failure of health professionals to keep an appointment. What's with that? I've been going to doctors and dentists for decades and not once has my appointment time been honored. They always keep me waiting. Every. Single. Time. It's an established fact, and one that we all seem to accept. Including me, alas.

But if they are to keep me waiting, I want decent accommodations and interesting reading material.  It was when I pregnant with my second child that I became verbal about my frustrations. I'm sure my doctor was quite surprised when he greeted me to get this response:

How am I? I roared. I'll tell you 'How am I?' I've been waiting for a half an hour and your magazine selection is crap. Not everyone wants to read Business Weekly or Yachtsman. We're women. We're pregnant, uncomfortable, angry women, and we want something decent to read!

He stared at me, mouth agape, got up, crossed the room, rummaged in a drawer, handed me paper and pencil and said, Make a list of what you want.

I'm not sure which one of us was more surprised, but I made that list, and the next time I went into the office there was no sign of Business Weekly or Yachtsman. There was, however, VictoriaSouthern LivingTraditional HomeMartha Stewart Living, and Country Living. Results!  I was greeted like a queen that day. The nurses loved me, fellow patients knew my name. I became legendary. And now I do this every time. There is an art, I find, to complaining, and I credit my second son for making me so bossy.

Where is this all leading, you ask? The dentist's office. An office with a lovely wall magazine rack and the BEST collection of magazines I have ever seen. Twenty five varieties at last count including Birds and Blooms and (where he found this one I do not know) Cookbook Digest Magazine. Have you ever heard of that one? Me neither. It is not visually appealing, and is rather poorly edited, but it does feature a wide variety of recipes from an equally wide variety of cookbooks (many of which I do not have), making it a rather interesting publication.

When the hygienist greeted me (after the obligatory wait) and asked how I was,  I said, Here's the deal. I have been waiting for a half an hour. When I leave, I'm either taking this magazine with me, or you can photocopy the dog-eared pages.  After a good checkup and sparkling clean teeth, I was handed a packet of photocopies on my way out. This recipe, a unique one for chocolate chip cookies among them.
Here is a copy of the recipe straight from the magazine.  I’ve noted the inaccuracies in red.  These are really good.  Crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside, with no taste of either the malt or espresso powders, just a sophisticated, complex deliciousness that will make people wonder why their chocolate chip cookies aren’t nearly as good as yours.  Let’s keep them guessing, shall we? 

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  1. I certainly like your style!
    Chocolate chip cookies are a favourite here, and my favourite is from the Harrowsmith Cookbook - but this one looks intriguing. I will have to find the malted milk powder though, as it's something I've never heard of.

  2. The post was late going up this week because my son had an accident and is on crutches. Please come on over and link up. :-)

  3. These sound yummy! I would love for you to stop by and share on my weekly recipe linky, Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen.
    Have a great weekend

  4. My son was just asking me if I could make chewy chocolate chip cookies today! I am writing this down tonight. :-) And, I just love your stories. You were cracking me up. :-) Thanks for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." Can't wait to see what you'll share this week.


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