Friday, November 14, 2014

Cranberries for Thanksgiving

Do not tell me how close we are to Thanksgiving; my nerves are just too shot to take the truth. I like to ease into holidays when I can, but this year I seem to just run smack into them, every one. For the most part, my menu is planned; I vary little from year to year. It is, after all, Thanksgiving, and I am a traditionalist. One thing that I do anguish over, however, are the cranberries. Such a simple dish, but I have found that people have very strong feelings about them. My late mother was a huge fan of my bourbon cranberry sauce. Others enjoy the frozen layered cranberries, except for my aunt who cannot abide beets and prefers the cranberry orange relish. Mr. O-P, I am loathe to admit, likes the canned stuff, slid out onto a plate and sliced up like baloney; he is singular in this interest.

See what I mean?  Choosing the right recipe can be stressful. If you have the same problem, here is an assortment of delicious versions for your perusal (Click on the name below each picture to take you to the recipe.).  You'll have to decide which to serve on your own. This year, enamored as I was with the fresh taste and fragrant aroma that the Calamondin oranges added to the homemade marmalade, I am going to add them to my cranberries, along with the usual sugar, pinch of cinnamon, and generous shot of whiskey.  Will everyone like them? I'll let you know.

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1 comment:

  1. I am SO with you, sister! Thanksgiving is just coming way too fast, and I'm stressed beyond belief!!! We're hosting again this year, and we have to host a Christmas party 2 days later. So coming up with creative decor to accommodate that has been, uh...interesting! :-)

    So many cranberries, so little time! My husband also loves the canned gel stuff. I tolerate it for his sake on my table. I prefer something along the lines of a "cranberry salad" with shredded carrots , celery, and nuts. It's great on the turkey sandwich the next day!!!

    Have fun making a decision!


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