Sunday, February 1, 2015

Microwave Fudge Sauce

This recipe was like the answer to a prayer. It was posted in a cookbook chat group to which I belong, as the result of a request from a member who recalled how good it was, years ago, when Barbara Kafka was publishing the definitive books on microwave cooking. 

The thought of having a delicious homemade fudge sauce in hand within five minutes had me curious enough to try it. Whoa!  Amazing!  Truly delicious and shockingly fast.  Imagine being able to dazzle a drop-in guest with something this decadent served over ice cream, pound cake, or as a dip for fresh fruits like strawberries or bananas.

Because this recipe was designed for lower wattage microwave ovens (600-675), I decreased the cooking time by a minute (reflected below).  I also used Ghirardelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Chips instead of squares of semi-sweet chocolate. The substitution was strictly based upon what I had, and even with this substitution, the sauce was still delicious. There is no taste of either coffee or rum, so if you're not a particular fan of either, don't let the inclusions of these ingredients stop you. Every ingredient simply enhances the other to yield a wonderfully rich result. My guess is that you could make an Aztec version by adding cinnamon and cayenne pepper, or experiment with vanilla, orange, or almond flavorings.  It is quick and easy, so go crazy!  I added a spoonful to a cup of coffee for an exceptionally good cafe mocha. Versatile!

Microwave Fudge Sauce
From Barbara Kafka's Microwave Gourmet

4 oz. semisweet chocolate broken into 1-1/2 inch pieces
1/4 cup strong coffee
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons heavy cream
2 tablespoons dark rum

1.  Place all ingredients in an 8-cup glass measure. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and cook at 100% for 4 minutes.

2.  Remove from oven. Uncover and whisk sauce until smooth.

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  1. Sounds too good to be true. I've seen many recipes like this and they all call for heavy cream, which I never keep on hand. If only someone would find a way to make it with skim milk!

    Thanks... mae at

  2. Love that photo! I was hoping you'd post this recipe after I saw your Facebook remarks about it. I don't have coffee sitting around when I want fudge sauce, but I'll save our leftover coffee from breakfast to try this!


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