Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Parmesan Potatoes

If you like potatoes, and easy recipes to prepare those potatoes, and a company-worthy dish with little work at all, then you have come to the right place. We first made this recipe back in 2002 when friends were visiting from out-of-town. Mr. O-P had lost a bet to a friend back East who predicted a Patriot win over the Rams in the Super Bowl. The loser had to fix the winner a sumptuous, multi-course meal, but the winner had to fly to the loser's house in order to claim it. Can you tell that men were involved in setting up this rather ridiculous wager? All I can say is that I'm really glad we didn't win.

One of the aspects of the bet was that the loser would have no help from his well-organized spouse. That turned out to be a big mistake because the dinner took him all day to prepare and we were nodding off into our dessert around midnight when the endurance test meal was, thankfully, over.

These potatoes were a part of that meal. What made me love them forever is that my rather disorganized husband, who sampled way too much wine during this cooking fiasco marathon, left them in the oven for a half hour longer than they were supposed to bake and they were still marvelous.
Here is the recipe right from the book (One of my oft-mentioned favorites, St. Louis Days, St. Louis Nights, mentioned here and here and here.) complete with my annotations. I used Melissa’s Baby Dutch Yellow Potatoes that I peeled and halved. Perfect!
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  1. They sound wonderful! That's so funny your husband left them in too long because he was drinking too much wine. ;o I did my first book review on my blog. Love it! I have the next book, but haven't reviewed it yet. It's smoothies by Blender Girl. Thanks for turning me onto the Blogging for Books.

  2. They really look so good - great item to have at a family or guest meal.

  3. I'm all in when potatoes are involved! The great thing about potatoes, is if you overlook them in the oven too long... You just end up with potato chips, which are delicious! Such a funny story you shares!

  4. I always say I never met a potato I didn't like. Mmmmm Crispy, cheesy from the oven potatoes. I'm in. I'll bring the wine.


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