Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Mom's Apple Crisp

Sometimes nostalgic thoughts wash over me like a warm bath. Such was the case last Sunday when I prepared a fruit and cheese tray to enjoy during one of the many football games that plague grace the Sunday lineup. I was thinking of just how well apples complement cheese, cheddar in particular, when I was suddenly back in my mother’s kitchen sneaking bits of topping from a warm apple crisp.
Like James Bond on a mission, I set out to find that recipe. It wasn’t easy. Dad wasn’t sure where it would be, my aunt and cousin hadn’t a clue, and I had looked through her recipe box to no avail. In desperation, I pulled out the recipe box again, and carefully went one-by-one through every recipe, unfolding those that had been folded in half or in quarters, and examined each carefully. There in the “Pork” section was the recipe.
So today, I decided to make it. Oh, how I wish my mother had been here to tell me the type of apples she used (Jonathon were her favorites, so I have to presume those), and just how thinly the apples should have been sliced.

Mine was good, but it wasn’t like my mom used to make. The topping was wonderful, so I was pleased with that, but the apples I’d sliced too thickly and they just didn’t have the same sweet, chewy, caramelisation that hers always did. I used her deep dish pie plate that probably wasn’t the best choice, but, really, who has a 6” x 10” pan? I didn’t even know they made those; as I recall, she made hers in an 8” x 8” pan. Clearly this will be a work in progress, and I’ll munch on the topping while pondering just what to do to improve the taste and texture of the apples. Stay with me, this isn’t over! In the meantime, if you cannot read my mother’s handwriting, here is the recipe if you'd like to give it a try.
Mom’s Apple Crisp
 4 cups sliced apples
½ cup sugar

1/3 cup sifted flour
½ cup brown sugar
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup rolled oats, uncooked

Preheat oven to 375ºF. Place apples in greased 6” x 10” pan. Sprinkle with sugar.

For topping combine all ingredients, blend thoroughly, mixing until crumbly. Sprinkle on top of the apple mixture. Bake for 30 minutes.

Serve warm or cold with ice cream.
Ready for the oven. Note the grated bits of Tillamook cheddar.

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  1. Bonsoir chère amie,

    C'est un grand honneur que vous nous faites en nous offrant la recette de votre maman. Les recettes des mamans sont si précieuses.
    Nul doute que cela doit être délicieux !
    Dernièrement j'ai préparé des poires comices avec de la fourme de Montbrison et du miel. C'est délicieux.
    Il suffit d'éplucher et d'ouvrir en deux les poires, de retirer le trognon. Il faut couper des tranches de fromage, les poser sur les poires coupées en deux. Les passer au gril jusqu'à ce que le fromages ait fondu. Y ajouter un filet de miel puis déguster avec une salade verte... Bon appétit !

    Gros bisous ❀

  2. Hi Pattie. Now I just love Apple anything, so you had me at 'apple', but how precious to share your Moms hand written recipe. I feel quite privileged. Mimi xxx

  3. This looks like such a delicious Apple Crisp, and family recipes are so special. Thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great weekend!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

  4. Yummy...I think Howard would like this with a little ice cream on the side!


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