Sunday, March 19, 2017

Beer-Steamed Potatoes

A person can learn a lot on Instagram. I am relatively new to Instagram, but over the course of the last 18 months, I've gotten lots of recipes, gardening and decorating ideas, fashion and home embellishment ideas, and made a lot of new friends.
The other day as I was scrolling through the pictures, I came across this one in Melissas Produce’s feed. These potatoes looked really good to me, and I was looking for something to have with the crockpot meatloaf (that I told you about last week), but I wasn't about to fire up the grill to make a couple of potatoes. So this caused me to wonder whether or not these could be done in the oven as easily as they could on the grill. I figured, why not?
So, with a very few adjustments to the original recipe, I lined a round casserole dish with foil, placed the ingredients inside, sealed it up, and baked it for 400°F for about an hour.
The potatoes were absolutely delicious, and the following day made great hash browns with my morning omelet, and the day after that made excellent German potato salad.
A lot of the flavor comes from the stout that I used, in this case, Corner Kick Coffee Stout from Six Mile Bridge Brewery, but these particular potatoes from Melissa's are buttery and delicious on their own. This is an easy dish to make, and it pairs well with beef, chicken, pork, or fish. You might want to give this a try. It would certainly be a nice addition to your upcoming Easter brunch.

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  1. I need to do Instagram more. Just spending too much time with twitter and trying to let everyone know about the Fabulous Party.
    These potatoes sure do look good I rarely meet a potato I don't like! i came by to thank you for coming over and sharing your posts at the Fabulous Party. All the posts are pinned on The Fabulous Party board. And now we are ready for a new week. This weeks link is live now. Here's the new linky
    Enjoy your week. Happy Spring.

  2. O, my gosh...these look sooo delicious.

  3. These potatoes will be delicious! Hope you have a fantastic weekend and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  4. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on our Top Ten this week at Full Plate Thursday. Your recipe will be pinned to our Features board and we sure hope you enjoy your new Red Plate! Thanks so much for sharing with us and have a great week!
    Miz Helen

  5. Those look so good! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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