Thursday, April 13, 2017

Besotted with Bunnies Tablescape

Last week I featured a Cabbage Bunny Tablescape that was made up of elements that once belonged to special people in my life. I wax a bit nostalgic in that post, encouraging you to enjoy what you have, and cast aside what no longer sparks joy. This week I have another tablescape that is equally sentimental, but in the creation of this tablescape, I got a bit of a jolt. Let me explain. 

My mother was someone who was not sentimental over dishware in the same way that I am. Last week, while I was having lunch at dad's, he had gathered up a lot of mother’s old Easter things to pass on to me. Many of them were used in this table, I'll get to that later, but in the going, I discovered that a set of six dessert plates that had belonged to the mother of my mom’s childhood best friend, Shirley, were no longer where they had been for many years. Apparently, in one of mother's purging efforts, she got rid of the set of plates. I was very upset to learn this. I am a great lover of antique plates, particularly those that have a history. So, while I encourage you to keep what you love and donate what you don't, please, please, PLEASE ask your loved ones if they would be interested in having these items before you do. I ask my boys every time I get rid of something if they would like to have it, telling them that it's okay if they don't, but I'm just checking to make sure. You need to do the same.

And now the table.
The centerpiece this week, like last, contains bunny items made by my dad and painted by me.
The bunny tins at each place setting I have had for so long that I don’t even know where they came from. They are so old, in fact, that they still had the price tag on them. Remember price tags?
The bunny sauce boat was my mother’s. I have been looking for this for years, and stumbled upon it when at dad’s and wondering just what was in the unreachable cabinets above the fridge. My question was answered, and now this adorable bunny is mine!
I am not a lover of soft-boiled eggs, but I do love these eggcups. At first I had placed filled eggs into them, but then, knowing the grandkids were coming, I decided to turn them into little Easter baskets, which ended up being a huge hit, (I also use these as holders for honey mustard when I serve chicken tenders.).

The subtly printed napkins are from Pottery Barn. I love these.
The wicker placemats, chargers, and spice brown plates are from Pier One.
Have a great Easter everyone!
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  1. Cute table, Pattie! That little bunny sauce boat is adorable as are the bunny tins. I have some oversized egg cups that I almost got rid of...but will use them for condiments, instead. Thanks for the idea.
    Happy Easter.

  2. Oh Pattie, everything is so great - love all the bunny's. The tins and gravy boat are wonderful. So glad that you dad packed up everything for you.

    Great tablescape.

    Have a Blessed Easter.


  3. Your table is so cute and inviting. :)

  4. Great advice Pattie. I was sad reading about the loss of those plates!

  5. I love the bunny tins! Such a cute Easter tablescape. Thank you for sharing!

  6. "Besotted." Now THERE'S a word you don't hear too often these days! I'm digging all the bunnies!!! Right on for your creativity!

    Happy Easter 🐇🐣!!!

  7. You know, at this stage of my daughters life she has NO desire for anything I have. BUT, I think as she gets older she may want some things so I try to anticipate what:) I ADORE that bunny gravy boat! OMGoodness, my heart skipped a beat! The tins are adorable as well! Great table, so glad you got some more things of your Mothers.

  8. I love setting a pretty table and it was fun to look at yours!

    Those egg cups would be perfect for dipping sauces. What a great idea!

    And yes, I do remember price tags! haha!


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