Sunday, May 7, 2017

How to Stabilize Whipped Cream

I was pleased that so many of you liked the Coconut Cream Cheesecake. I received a number of questions from people wanting to know how I managed to make the whipped cream on top look so beautiful. If you like to top your desserts with whipping cream ahead of time, so that you can serve them looking as beautiful as when you piped it on, here's how you do it. It's called stabilizing whipped cream.

How to Stabilize Whipped Cream

1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin (I use Knox)
4 teaspoons cold water
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (or extract of your choice)

Place cold water in small bowl (like a ramekin or custard cup), sprinkle gelatin over top.  Allow to stand for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, place heavy cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla in the bowl of a stand mixer with the whisk attachment. Once gelatin is set, place bowl in microwave and heat until gelatin turns to liquid, about 10 seconds.

Turn mixer on low to start beating cream. Let it run for about 1 minute. Turn mixer to high and slowly add the melted gelatin.
Continue beating cream until you reach medium-stiff peaks. Your stabilized whipped cream is now ready to use. Spread or pipe with reckless abandon. (I used this star piping tip.)
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  1. There is also a product by Dr. Oetker called Whip-It that you can buy in packets, one will stabilize 1 cup of cream. I find it in the International aisle, in the German products. You just add the packet of powder to your cream and then whip it. Easy Peasy and works beautifully!

  2. A-ha!!!!!!!!!! Did not know this! I always wondered why some whipped cream creations stayed looking pristine while I was the one having to scramble to put it on at the 11th hour!!!!!! Thank you for the insight AND the recipe!

  3. As a former Home Economics teacher, I'm always amazed at the things "I'm" still learning!!! I've taken a million nutrition, cooking and preparation courses; yet, I've never learned about stabilizing whipped cream!!!
    Thanks for teaching me something new!!

  4. This is a fantastic recipe that I will use over and over again. I have been baking for 50 years and didn't see this before. Thanks so much. Pinning.

  5. I am curious how you know about all this culinary stuff, Pattie - are you a chef? Baker? I never knew this, thanks for sharing! I sent my sister the post on that cheesecake, she would absolutely love it as well.

  6. Oh my goodness.....I can't wait to try this. I love whipped cream but don't often use it since it doesn't keep its shape, especially when piping it from a pastry bag. I can't wait to use this recipe in all of my desserts. Thank you for sharing it.

  7. This is going to come in handy thank you.

  8. I do want to give this a try and will be featuring this tutorial on the Art of Home-Making Mondays this upcoming week! :)

  9. Great info! Thanks for sharing on the What's for Dinner Link up!

  10. This is a great idea. I usually use confectioner's sugar, but gelatin sounds great for the summer months when it is hot and when the whipped cream just wants to slide off your dessert. :)

  11. Thanks so much for sharing this awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great day and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  12. It came out awesome, I used it on my strawberry crunch cake - I also doubled the recipe but only used the teaspoon of gelatin and it still came out perfect

  13. Butterscotch, I’m so glad that this worked for you. Thanks for letting me know.


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