Saturday, October 14, 2017

Pumpkin Spice Sugar

By now you all should know that I have a vast collection of dishes. What you may not know is that I love each and every one of them. Despite the sheer volume of dishes that I have, every one is special in its own way. With this in mind, you can imagine my distress when, the day before yesterday, my pumpkin pepper shaker slipped from my hand, hit the floor, and shattered. I was absolutely crushed! I love this set of pumpkin salt-and-pepper shakers, and have had them forever.

There was nothing particularly special about this set, it just appealed to me. Pumpkins would take me from early September all the way to the end of November, and I like that.
Not a fall table was without them. I used them at a Halloween luncheon at my old house.
I used them on the Baker’s rack when I would start decorating for fall.
They graced every fall dinner table.
And I just liked looking at them.

I wasn't about to discard the one lone, rather sad, salt shaker. But, I did empty it of salt, wash it up, and set it on the counter to stare at for a day or two.

While it sat there, I started to think of ways in which I could use it. Ways in which I could use a single unit from a set. It was then that it came to me. I would fill it with pumpkin spice sugar, in the same way in which I had filled another solitary shaker from a set where one had broken with cinnamon sugar for toast. An idea was born!

I had no idea as to the portions, so just guessed, but now I am happy as a clam to have this one shaker, filled with something special, that I use every morning. So pleased to still have it in use, and with a very special purpose all its own.

If you would like to make some pumpkin spice sugar of your own, here are the proportions that I used. Certainly you could double or triple it. I needed only a small amount to fit into my pumpkin shaker.
Pumpkin Spice Sugar

1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon homemade pumpkin pie spice

Mix together thoroughly with a whisk, and put into your favorite shaker. Use to sprinkle on top of hot cocoa, your morning latte, ice cream, muffins, or simply on top of a buttered biscuit, croissant, or, as I have done here, a humble piece of toast.

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  1. I have so many "Special" dishes that I love. But, I do have to start getting rid of them. I need to purge a lot of things. I tend to change dishes with each occasion or season. My new room mate thinks that I am NUTS. LOL But, unfortunately in this day and age the kids do not want any clutter... so who will want our treasures?

    As you know I love anything pumpkin, so thanks for this recipe. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  2. Very nice post. You put the pumpkin shaker to good use. Thanks for the recipe for pumpkin sugar.

  3. Another great way to add pumpkin spice to my diet!


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