Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tasty Tip Tuesday: How to Grate and Chop Ginger

I am a big fan of ginger. I love adding it to dishes, both ethnic and otherwise, to give it a tasty kick. But, being a root, ginger can be problematic when it comes to chopping, slicing, or grating. All of those fibers just tend to get in the way, and you can end up with a real mess.

So here's a little tip for you today. When you get ginger, as soon as you get it home and out of its bag, toss it into the freezer. It grates, slices, and chops like a dream when it's frozen. It also keeps forever, so you will always have it on hand. I make it a habit to have one or two ginger roots in the freezer so that I can make any recipe that has ginger, at the drop of a hat. Throw that powdered stuff away, and grate your own. It's easy, if it's freez-y. (Bad pun, I know, but I just couldn't resist.) :-)

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  1. I always freeze my ginger. It seems to be the easiest way to work with it . In addition, as you said this way you always have some fresh ginger in the house. They also sell frozen cubes of freshly chopped ginger at Trader Joe's which I also use. Great tip- thanks

  2. This is a great kitchen tip for the ginger! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with Full Plate Thursday. Have a great weekend and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen


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