Monday, March 12, 2018

Irish Mash

I don’t know how you make your mashed potatoes, but it used to be that I would make mine by peeling and quartering a bag of russets, boiling them, draining them, and then attacking them with a hand-held electric mixer. I would beat them to within an inch of their lives, funneling in butter and cream in the going. I did it this way because this is the way my mother used to do it. You see, back in the day, it was positively scandalous to have lumps in your mashed potatoes.

These days, I embrace lumps and call them rustic. No more do I want to get out the hand mixer, deal with bits of potato flying all over the kitchen, and then have to scrape it off the wall. Now, I mash them with a potato masher, and beat them as well as I can with a whisk. Someday they’re more rustic than others, depending upon my upper arm strength.

These potatoes, laden with deliciously sweet sautéed leeks and seasoned with a hint of thyme, are the perfect accompaniment to your corned beef dinner. They can be made ahead, scraped into a casserole dish, refrigerated overnight, and reheated the next day. If you have a difficult time getting vegetables into your family, mixing them into mashed potatoes is one sure way. Leeks are not without nutrition. They contain vitamins A, C, E, and B6, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, and are known for their antioxidant properties as well as being low in calories. Wow! So, stirring them into your potatoes is a healthy, as well as tasty and attractive choice.

Don’t wait until St. Patrick’s Day to enjoy them, they’re good anytime with roast beef, chicken, or fish.
  2 tablespoons butter
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1 cup whole milk
1/4 cup heavy cream
Salt and pepper to taste

Rinse potatoes and place into a medium/large saucepan; completely cover with water. Bring to a rolling boil, and cook for 15 minutes until fork tender. Drain and return to pan to allow all moisture to evaporate.

While potatoes are cooking, melt butter in a 9-inch sauté pan. Add leeks and thyme, and sauté until leeks have softened. In a small saucepan, heat milk and cream.

Mash potatoes in any manner you like (I am a big fan of the potato masher/whisk combination), adding milk/cream as you do. Add seasonings and leeks. Stir to combine. Serve immediately.

   *If you are unable to find Melissa’s Cleaned and Sliced Leeks in your local market, use one large leek.

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  1. I did not know the nutrition packed into leeks! Makes me want to try to grow some. Those potatoes - Pattie! They look sooooo good!

  2. Mashed potatoes are one of my favorite foods. I learned long ago that using the electric mixer only gets the starches flowing making potatoes gluey...mashing by hand makes them light and fluffy...and with little chunks. Howard has a hard time with mashed potatoes that DON'T have chunks, they remind him of the bagged instant ones he detests! My favorite way to eat mashd potatoes really is colcannon.

  3. looks good - rustic - i like that . same with my mom had to make smooth mash potatoes. The recipe sounds great. I just saved off a recipe to give to Mike of Califlower looked good also.

  4. Your Mash looks so good, make me hungry! Have a great first week of spring and thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with FULL PLATE THURSDAY!
    Miz Helen


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