Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Winter Whites in the Kitchen

There seems to be two schools of thought when it comes to holiday decor. One, is to leave the decorations up for as long as possible in order to enjoy their glittery magic, the other is to get them down the day after Christmas, and kick the holidays to the curb. I fall into the latter group. I put my decorations up early so that I can enjoy them pre-season, but when Christmas is over, it’s over, and I cannot wait to move on.

The first thing I tackled was the wall unit in the dining area. Honestly, I love changing this up every season because it gives me an opportunity to rotate all of the dinnerware that I have, and truly enjoy it.

So, Christmas has been put away, and now I am enjoying my “winter whites.” Have a look.

Happy 2019!

For another view of the hutch in all its glory, click here.

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  1. I think I fall somewhere in between? So far I've taken ALL of the Christmas down except for the kids' tree, which is my least favorite thing to un-decorate. It involves hauling the storage box down and wrapping each ornament carefully, then moving the sectional away from the wall, sweeping...ugh. I will leave up tiny trees and pinecones through winter because I love them, though...

  2. I love this! I still have mine up because a friend wants to come and take pictures. Hopefully Thurs. will be the day and I can get started taking it all down. I LOVE your black cabinet! You have decorated it beautifully!

  3. I am with you, all of the Christmas is packed away at my house, too! I love all of your "winter white", too! You are looking all organized and ready to move on! Happy New Year!

  4. I am with you on taking it all down and packed away in storage !
    your whites are lovely.

  5. I usually take all the decorations down right after New Year's Day but I hurt my back last week can't do any bending yet :( Hopefully, next week! I love your winter whites and beautiful black sideboard or hutch.

  6. Amazing collection. So very pretty. Happy New Year to you. Sujatha:)

  7. Yeah, girlfriend! This is the way to make that smooth transition from Christmas to winter. Because I’m still sick, my decor is still up. I don’t want a repeat of years past when I was down post-op and Ramon dismantling my stuff. I’m STILL trying to find things!!!!! (A brand new wire cloche just disappeared into thin air one year!) While everything has been unplugged, it’ll just have to stay put collecting dust until I’m well enough to tackle the job. Your hutch is perfection for the frigid month of January...which is actually predicted to be in the 50s and low 60s over the next couple of days up this way!


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