Thursday, February 7, 2019

Exotic Asian Tea

During the month of February, afternoon tea has a bit of a different look. It’s more exotic than usual with a snack that speaks volumes.

I had fun putting this vignette together. It really was a bit of serendipity. The tray belonged to Jim. He’d had it long before we ever got together. It wasn’t exactly my style, but something told me to hang onto it, that one day I would find a use for it. I did! Meanwhile, number two son no longer had room to store his Chinese tea pot, tea cups, and leaf saucers, so asked me if I could do it. That was all I needed to get a marvelously good start.

 A simple vase of yellow snapdragons, some Asian fabric, my new vintage hotel bell (it really works and I love it!), a handful of fortune cookies, and I was ready for a nice cup of tea.
I plan to use this during the entire month of February, after which I will be thinking spring!

If you like fortune cookies, you can make your own. I’ve done it, and it’s not as difficult as you think. You can find the recipe

Sharing with Tablescape Thursday

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  1. What a neat collection! I love your husband's tray. Where in the world did you get the hotel bell? Very cool.

  2. A beautiful Asian table. The fans are so pretty. I must look for some Asian things to decorate. My son is married to an Asian girl. Have a nice weekend.

  3. What a pretty collection...and you display it so well.

  4. Beautiful collection. Love them all:)))


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