Tuesday, May 28, 2019

"Yuletide" Dinnerware by Rosina-Queens...This Week's Find

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that this is certainly not the time of the year to talk about Christmas, it is way too early. You’re right, of course, you’re right. But this week’s find (that was hardly a find because I knew it was there), is my mother’s set of Christmas dishes. I’m not sure exactly when she bought them, but I believe they go back about 30 years. She wanted a set that was different from what everyone else had (At that time Spode “Christmas Tree” was all the rage.), spotted these locally at Stix, Bayer & Fuller (later Dillards), and bought the entire service for 12, including completer pieces. When it came to fancy dinnerware, my mother did not mess around. She also bought a set of gold flatware, service for 12.
You can bet I wrapped each piece very carefully as I was unpacking the server in the, now empty, dining room. It took multiple trips, and more than a dozen boxes to ensure it got home safely.
As you know from looking at my holiday tables, I tend to opt more for whimsy than I do for elegance, but I will certainly be paying tribute to both of my parents this holiday season, that will surely be a difficult one.
This set from Rosina-Queens is called “Yuletide. Beautiful, isn’t it? For those interested, you can occasionally find it, in limited availability, on Amazon.

To see my previous find, click here.

This post contains affiliate links.


  1. This is just a beautiful set of dishes. Please post a picture of the completer pieces. This will certainly set a gorgeous table along with gold flatware.

  2. I love Christmas dishes and this set is beautiful with the holly and ivy. Beautiful.

  3. Pattie these are just beautiful. I'd love to see the whole set. I particularly love the shape of the cups. I'm already looking forward to your table displays for the holidays!

  4. The whole set is coming, but later in the year. I have already stored these away for the season.


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