Monday, July 8, 2019

BLT with Creole Mayonnaise

I know some of you have already been enjoying your tomato harvest, but where I live, red tomatoes don’t generally show themselves until July. My tomato plants are loaded with green tomatoes, only just now beginning to turn red. When they finally do, I am going to have a bumper crop!

I was so desperate for a BLT that I went to the local farmers market, and picked up a couple of Arkansas tomatoes so that I could dig into their juicy goodness. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like this sandwich, particularly the way I make it, with a hefty dollop of Creole mayonnaise slathered onto the bread. If you’ve never tried this on your BLT, you are missing out. It is zippy, spicy, and delicious, but not so much so as to overpower the delicate fresh taste of your homegrown tomato, or smoky goodness of the bacon.

Here’s my recipe for Creole mayonnaise. It’s good on chicken sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, stirred into egg or chicken salad, pimiento cheese (I know, sacrilege!), even veggie sandwiches, but I think it’s at its absolute best on a BLT.
Creole Mayonnaise

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 tsp. finely minced garlic
1/4 tsp.
Creole mustard
1/4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp. hot sauce
1 teaspoon
Creole seasoning

Blend all ingredients together in a non-reactive bowl, and store in the refrigerator for one hour to allow the flavors to meld before using. Will last in the refrigerator, covered, for up to five days.

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  1. The sandwich looks delicious. I had one for lunch today. Except I have never heard of or seen Creole mustard. I will keep an eye out for it when I go to the city.

  2. That looks delightful, of course. We used to eat tomato sandwiches in the summer - white bread, mayo, sliced tomatoes warm from the garden, salt. But bacon? That would have sent them over the top!! And I love the idea of a spiced sandwich spread. (:

  3. I'm kind of a mayo purist on my bacon and tomato sandwich, but I have to admit this looks irresistible. However, I do like a combo of mayonnaise and mustard, so I promise to give it a try next time we have them!


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