Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Deck Garden Update for July

I thought I would give you a July update on the deck garden before I am completely overtaken by the plants. 
Seriously, there are mornings when I wake up and I expect the plants to be tapping on the window. I now have slightly less than one square yard of space in which to navigate among them; this is no exaggeration.
If you’re interested in the expandable trellis, click here. I really like it, and of particular interest are the  clips that accompany this that allow you to clip up branches without damaging them.
I ended up buying 30 extra clips to use on all of my plants. You can see some of them in action on the photo of my green bean plant.
My first harvest was a green pepper, my second jalapeƱos.
I have lots of them on the plant, so need lots of recipes.
Another great producer are the cucumbers.
Those things are everywhere! As you can see from this picture, this bad boy decided to relax on the chair that I used to sit in when I could find it among the foliage.
I plan to harvest at both full-size and at pickle spear size to make pickles.
The Jasmine has doubled in size since I bought it, and it shooting out branches on all sides. Somehow the thought of de-tangling all of this at year’s end seems daunting. On the plus side, it does scent the garden with the most wonderful fragrance.
The string beans are doing well, and I’m able to harvest about one serving per day.
My large pot of herbs is doing wonderfully, and I find myself using much more of them because if the ready access.
The ginger is hanging in there. 
The X-rated pumpkin is growing well, and looking as though it is planning its escape!

The gourds are growing like mad, spilling over the side of the deck, and starting to threaten the Meyer Lemon tree on the patio below.
The Stella Dora Lily that I ripped up out of my mother’s garden is doing well, despite the fact that it can rarely be seen. I have found a spot in the front yard where I will move it in the fall. Mother’s hostas are similarly thriving, and will soon need transplanting.

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  1. I just picked my first green pepper and banana tomato plant is growing like a weed. This is amazing for me as I do not have a green thumb!! Ques: why the wine corks in your plant?

  2. Pattie I LOVE the look of your patio garden! Everything is so lush and happily growing out there and providing you with so much good eating. This experiment has been a complete success. :)

  3. Patti, the corks act as mulch, keeping the soil moist. Ginger needs soil that is constantly moist, and I have a hard time keeping everything watered in the heat. I really need more corks, but my friends can only drink so much wine. :-)

  4. I usually follow you on instagram or twitter but had to stop and comment on your garden. I love garden photos and yours looked 'delicious'. Hope summer has been good to you.

  5. Your garden did so lovely. All green and lush and beautiful vegetables. I was wondering about the wine corks also, now I know they act as mulch. Thanks for sharing. ,

  6. I so wish I could send all these corks to you - wonder how much shipping is? Maybe make friend with a bartender...(: I love how the plants also give you a sense of an private oasis up there. And everything looks healthy and delicious!

  7. WOW what a harvest you are getting from your patio garden, Pattie!!!! Amazing, and I love, love, love seeing the progress!!


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