Wednesday, September 25, 2019

When Pies Fly, a Review

You know when you start to drool (seriously, there was actual drool) while paging through a cookbook that you have a winner. Such is the case with Cathy Barrow’s new release, When Pies Fly. She has outdone herself with this one, doing the impossible, exceeding the fabulousness of her previous book Pie Squared, the definitive book on slab pies. This book has 75 mouthwatering creations for various pastry-wrapped international, as well as traditional specialties. Things such as empanadas (one of my favorite things) knishes (she really had me at knishes) stromboli (yep, love them too), as well as loads of other savory pie-like items. I am a savory more than a sweet person, so I have long been waiting for this book to arrive.
 I haven’t been this excited since the Blues won the Stanley Cup. I nearly wept when I paged through, moaning and groaning to such an extent as to have, no doubt, raised an eyebrow or two in the neighborhood. 
With cheeseburgers being my absolutely favorite food, the Cheeseburger Hand Pies turned my head. They are going to be the first recipe that I try from this book.
If you are uncomfortable making pies, Cathy is going to calm you down. Her rustic pies are perfect for the beginner, her snacking pies will have people flocking to your home for a quick nosh, the single-serve pies are perfect for the man or woman living alone, and there are plenty of delicious sweet pies for those of you who can’t do without dessert.
She offers up a wonderful introduction, has a great section on demystifying pie dough, offers a dairy free option, even quick puff pastry pies, as well as plenty of kolaches, both sweet and savory. 
For the seasoned veteran, there are some pretty fancy crusts here; for pie rookies like me, there are comprehensive instructions, as well as beautiful pictures for every recipe in the book.

 I cannot say enough about this book. Buy one for yourself, buy one for friends, and buy one for every member of your family. In this new book, When Pies Fly, Handmade Pastries from Strudels to Stromboli, Empanadas to Knishes, Cathy Barrow has presented pie making in a fun, doable, and mouthwatering way. Get a copy! I mean it. You will thank me later.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Grand Central Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

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