Friday, April 10, 2020

Cooking with Coffee

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I am still shaking my head over the whole stockpiling toilet paper thing. I mean, come on, if worse came to worst, you could always fill a squirt bottle with water and you have your own personal bidet. If you leave a bit of the Dawn washing liquid in that bottle before you fill it, you have your own personal power wash. And who’s to say that isn’t better for the environment anyway, much less your nether regions, but I digress. I was thinking about what my personal stockpiling item would be (not that I advocate stock-piling under any circumstance), and mine would definitely be coffee. As such, I decided to go through the blog and see how many times I used coffee in cooking and baking. The numbers surprised me. Here is a nice collection of recipes containing that most wondrous of ingredients. Clicking on the name beneath each picture will take you straight to the recipe. Have fun!

What would your stockpiling item be?


  1. I don't get the tissue stockpiling either. My husband simply says "They are all idiots". I would stockpile my favorite white Zinfandel! So, looking back on your recipes (which I enjoyed reading again) they all look delicious, but I would particularly love the roast beef and the roast beef sandwiches, and I bookmarked the rubs. Good post Pattie!

  2. Patti,
    Very interesting collection of recipes. Can you believe that I've never used coffee in any recipe? My stockpiling goes to dried beans. Not that I have a love affair with them but they are practical since I can cook them for a filling meal or sprout them to add to a salad! Just for fun.. I would stockpile chocolate~

  3. I saw on the news that it is not so much people stockpiling toilet paper as it is people using more at home since they are not going out and using the toilet paper in public places any more (I think the report said people are using 40% more toilet paper at home!). Toilet paper manufacturers do not make money on this product so they never overproduce, dividing their manufacturing between the very utilitarian paper used in public restrooms and the cushier product used in homes. Apparently right now they have plenty of the former but not enough of the latter, which is why stores cannot get enough to keep toilet paper in stock. Because the profit margin is so small the manufacturers are reluctant to change their production procedure, so this situation may not change. I noticed one of my supermarkets is now stocking individual rolls of the public restroom-type toilet paper and limiting people to just one roll per visit. Maybe this will help to ease the current shortage but it sure is inconvenient!

    As for my favorite food to stockpile, that would have to be nuts. They may be expensive (except for peanuts) but you get a lot of nutritional value per serving and they do store well, especially if you can freeze some. Best of all, they don't even need to be cooked. I think the ideal stockpile for me would be dark chocolate-covered nuts! Luckily I already have a good supply of my other essential, which is tea (I don't like coffee) - I probably have enough to last me for months if not longer!


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