Sunday, December 13, 2020

Decorating with lamps can be illuminating.

I tend not to be the kind of person who dwells on things, and I’m talking about loss. I tend to be the kind of person to buck up and carry-on, because life is just too short not to. But, during the month of December, I find I am really missing my mom. Mother loved Christmas. She shopped for people all year long, carefully considering their personalities, wants, needs, and senses of style when buying gifts. She was also the person to whom I would turn whenever I had a decorating dilemma. She would shoot from the hip, and tell me if my idea was a good one, or stank on ice.

So, my friends, I turn to you with a query… Is this too much? My builder, Joe, installed an electrical outlet beneath this (mother’s) table today. I was considering a light over the picture, and then remembered this pair of lamps that used to belong to my parents. I love the lamps with their tall bases and leather shades. I would like to use them somewhere, and am wondering if this is the place. It is a dark corner that needs illumination, but am I overdoing things here? What are your thoughts? Here are a couple of views from various angles to give you the lay of the land.

A final note, the table also belonged to my parents, and the silk floral arrangement stays. It was made for my mother by the daughter of a long-time family friend who was killed in an automobile accident the following week. Lots of feeling and sentimentality here, as in most of my house.

 Shine a light on my darkness. (Sorry, cheap shot, but I couldn’t resist.) ;-)



  1. I think it looks very classic and cozy. The lamps with the leather lampshades are perfect. I like the height of them.

  2. Thanks, Susie. The more I live with this, the more I really like it. I’ve been turning those lamps on in the evening, and I’m loving the warm, romantic glow.

  3. I think it looks great, and I would not change a thing.

  4. I love the lamps. Tell me - Is Stanley still with you? I hope everything is going ok with him. It can be a lot of work and patience . Some times best intentions have to be adjusted. Hope you are enjoying
    Christmas cheer and staying well. Blessings

  5. Mary, not only is Stanley still with me, but he is doing marvelously well. He didn’t let me touch him for the first month that he was here, but after that he has been all over me, rubbing up against me, purring, snuggling with me when I watch TV, I couldn’t ask for a sweeter pet. I am crazy about him!

  6. I really like it. The lamps are beautiful and are great with the picture. My opinion of decorating in general is that if I like it in my home then so what if no one else does!

  7. Love the chance to see this again, and I still love it. I think the silk arrangement is beautiful, and how pretty are those lampshades! And the rug with those zebras in the painting is fantastic.
    I'm so glad to read about Stanley on the above comment!

  8. I like it, too. I think the items are all perfect together and I love the glow of the lamps. Also: decorating your space should be all about what feels wonderful to you, no matter the current "trend" or what the interwebs think...

  9. I think those lamps are perfect, and I also think they are beautiful lamps! Merry Christmas!!!


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