Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day!

 I generally don’t post on weekends, but I thought I would share this picture of the Valentine cards that I put into the mail this year, as well as the lovingly collaged envelopes.

Consider this my virtual Valentine card to you. Have a lovely and romantic day, and if you live anywhere near the Mississippi Valley, as I do, stay warm!


Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. You too have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Pattie!

  2. Those are sweet! I really dropped the ball this year - I used to leave treats for my peeps with homemade gifties and cards and candy. We are in the grips of a winter storm here, I am on call for the hospital, and I just lost my mojo. Better luck next year, peeps...

  3. Where o where did you find those vintage cards?? I looked everywhere for some this yr!
    Happy V day to you too....we are hunkered down in Louisiana waiting with baited breath for the white stuff!!

  4. If you love vintage notecards, Janey, let me introduce you to the Bella Vintage Home website. The cards aren’t cheap, and the shipping is ridiculous, but I am completely in love with their notecards. No affiliation, just an addicted shopper.


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