Sunday, September 5, 2021

Five-Ingredient Dinners: 100+ Fast, Flavorful Meals, Reviewed

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I am very fortunate in that I am able to review a lot of cookbooks, thanks to the generosity of authors and publishers. That said, some books are easier to review than others. Five-Ingredient Dinners: 100+ Fast, Flavorful Meals by America’s Test Kitchen is one of those books. The reason that it wasn’t particularly easy for me to review is that quite a few of the recipes didn’t interest me, and the reason for that is because I am not a fan of quite a few of the ingredients used, among them grains and lamb. That said, my personal tastes should not deter you from giving this cookbook a try.

 Having studied it page-by-page, I’m quite impressed overall. The meals are five ingredients (with the exception of basic staples like salt, pepper, butter, you get the drift), varied, and are relatively easy to prepare. Some of them are fancy enough for company, others great pleasers for kids. Honestly, a meal with only five ingredients is something of which dreams are made. 

 Each recipe features a test cook’s or editor’s commentary on what you are about to create, providing an inside look at the process, and inspiring your culinary endeavors. Learn what other people’s families find satisfying and doable. That personal touch makes this cookbook stand out among the rest.

 One of the things I absolutely loved about this book was at the very beginning when it lists all kinds of things that you might have left over, and what to do with those little bits. I had to laugh at this because one of those leftovers was chilies in adobo sauce, and I cannot tell you how many of those I have tossed out over the years. No more! When I find myself with leftovers, I am definitely going to make Chipotle Shrimp Risotto.

 There are loads of beautiful, colorful pictures in this book, something that, in my cranky old age, is an absolute must. I want to see what the finished dish is supposed to look like, so I can compare my efforts; I found their methods of plating to be helpful as well. 

  All in all, a handy, versatile book that can make your life a whole lot easier.
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.



  1. I love lamb and that chipotle shrimp risotto sounds really tasty.

  2. Mushroom and Pinto Bean Enchiladas looks very interesting and very new.

  3. Can't wait to see a few of them in action!

  4. Glad you found something positive about it - lol! I'm not a fan of America's Test Kitchen because I don't want to pay to see their recipes, but I can't deny their recipes are usually good ones.

  5. I’m not a lamb gal by any stretch. Only tasted grilled lamb chops one place that I actually loved. I think it’s an acquired taste. Anyhooo…I trust there would be plenty other recipes to try that would rock my world. There are those days when throwing just a few ingredients together sounds highly appealing!

  6. I'm not super familiar with America's Test Kitchen, I will have to check them out! I prefer cookbooks with lots of pictures too and I thought this was a very fair review of the book. Five-ingredient dinners are definitely the stuff of dreams!


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